Culturama: A journey through time

CULTURAMA, a uni que, interactive mu ltimedia program w hich was on dis-
play at WIPO ear lier this summer, opens a w indow onto Egypt’s spec tacular
cultural a nd natural herita ge. It offers an immer sive virtual journ ey across
time, with m aterial spa nning 5,0 00 years of hu man civili zation fro m the
pharaohs of A ncient Egypt to the pres ent day. Mr. Mohamed Farouk, who
conceptu alized and developed C ULTURAMA wit h his colleagues at t he Cen-
ter for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT), in Cairo,
Egypt expla ins how the proj ect came abou t and its pri nciple objec tives.
Phot o: CU LTNAT
Karna k Temple is a vast open-air mus eum
and the larges t ancient religiou s site in the
world. Approxi mately 30 phara ohs contributed
to the build ings, enabli ng it to reach a size,
complexity a nd diversity not se en elsewhere.
e Nilometer in C airo is a unique h istorical
site. It was use d to measure the leve ls of
the Nile Riv er during the an nual ood
season; to reg ulate water d istribution and
to calcul ate the levels of ta xes to be paid.

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