The United States foreign corrupt practices act and Latin America: The influence of local prosecutorial efforts in transnational white-collar litigation

AuthorDaniel Pulecio Boek
PositionPrimary law degree from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá D.C., Colombia
Int. Law: Rev. Colomb. Derecho Int. Bogotá (Colombia) N° 24: 21-58, enero - junio de 2014
Daniel Pulecio Boek*
Para citar este artículo / to cite this article
Puleci o, D., The United States Foreign Cor rupt Practices Act an d Latin
America: T he Inuen ce of Local Prosecu torial Efforts in Transnatio nal
White-Coll ar Litigation, 24 Internat ional Law, Revi sta Colombian a de
Derecho Internacional, 21-58 (2014).
doi:10.11144/Javerian a.IL14-24.fcpa
ISS N:1692 -8156
* Prima ry law degre e from the Ponti cia Universi dad Javerian a in Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
Graduate d with various h onors. Law degre e from the Universit y of the Basque Cou ntry
in Saint Seb astian – Spain. Mas ter Degree in Phi losophy in the Pontic ia Universidad
Javeriana (T hesis pendi ng). Master in Laws from Har vard University, Unite d States of
Americ a. LL.M. paper rec eived Honors. Cur rently acc epted to the MSc i n Crimin ology
and Crim inal Justic e in Oxford Unive rsity, UK. Formerly pr actice d in Colombia for
nearly 4 year s as a litigator and cons ultant with the r m Sampedro & Riveros Abog a-
dos. Curr ently an internation al lawyer at the rm Cle ary Gottlieb Stee n & Hamilton,
Washington D.C. (Admi ssion to the New York Bar pe nding.) Author of the book s Crimes
Against the Soc ial and Economic O rder, and The Dynamic Burd en of Proof in Criminal
Matters. Author of s everal articl es and essays publi shed nationall y and internation ally.
Former profess or at the Ponticia Un iversidad Javeri ana. Email: dpu lecio@gm
My opinions do not r epresent the ide as of any institution w ith which I am cur rently in-
volved. In cons equence , all the thoug hts express ed in thi s paper are my sol e responsib ility
and unique ly the product of my inte llect.
Int. Law: Rev. Colomb. Derecho Int. Bogotá (Colombia) N° 24: 21-58, enero - junio de 2014
22 Daniel Pulecio Boek
Within the  eld and practice o f White-Col lar crimi nality and lit igation in
the transn ational sphere, the us Foreig n Corrupt Prac tices Act occ upies a
central role. W hen a corp oration bribe s a foreign public of cial, the fc Pa as
well as loca l Penal Codes wi ll be violated . Therefore, an indiv idual and/or
corporati on could eventua lly be prosec uted by local author ities and the us
Depart ment of Justice under th e fcPa. This presents double je opardy and
collatera l estoppel is sues, whi ch this pape r will add ress. Furt hermore, th is
paper wil l focus in L atin Ame rican c omparative c rim inal law, to ana lyze the
inuenc e that could – or should– be exer ted over the Doj with t ransnationa l
white-c ollar litigatio n strategies. P rimaril y this paper sug gests that active
involvement of cor porations i n local pros ecutor ial effort s in Lati n Ameri ca
can bring b enecial conse quences in Doj conducted fcPa invest igations.
Keywords author: Foreign corrupt pra ctices act, wh ite-collar cr ime, com-
parative cr imi nal law and pro cedur e, Latin A meric a, tran snationa l litigation
strategie s, double jeopardy, dual s overeignty doct rine, coll ateral estopp el.
Keywords plus: Corrupt prac tices, whit e collar cr imes, cri minal law, tri als,
litigation, res judicata, s overeignty, estoppel.
Int. Law: Rev. Colomb. Derecho Int. Bogotá (Colombia) N° 24: 21-58, enero - junio de 2014
The foreign corrupT pracTices acT of uniTed sTaTes and laTin america
Dentro del ca mpo y la práctica de l a delincue ncia de cuel lo blanco y los litig ios
en el ámbito tran snacion al, la Le y de Práctica s Corruptas E xtranjeras (FCPA,
por sus siglas e n inglés) ocupa un pa pel central . Cuan do una em presa sobor na a
un funcion ario públi co extranjero, la fcpa, así c omo los código s penales loc ales
son violados . Por tanto, un indiv iduo y la corporaci ón eventualme nte podrían
ser enjuici ados por las au toridades loc ales y el Departa mento de Justic ia bajo
la fcpa. Esto pres enta un doble enj uiciamiento e i mpedimentos c olaterales
que se aborda rán en este artícul o. Por otra parte, este artíc ulo se centrará
en el derecho pe nal comparado lati noamericano, pa ra analizar la inu encia
que podría – o debería – ser ejercida s obre el Departame nto de Justicia co n las
estrategias tra nsnacionales de litig io de cuello blanco. P rincipalmente, este
artículo sug iere que la participació n activa de las empresas en los es fuerzos
scales loca les en América L atina pued e traer consecu encias bene ciosas
en el Departam ento de Justicia que haya rea lizado investigaciones fcpa.
Palabras cla ve autor: Ley de prácti cas corruptas extra njeras, crim en de
cuello blanc o, derecho penal c omparado y de proc edimiento, Am érica La-
tina, estrateg ias de litigio tran snacionales , doble enjuicia miento, la doctrin a
soberanía dual, impedimento colateral.
Palabras cla ve descriptores: Prá cticas corrupta s, delitos de cuell o blanco,
derecho pena l, procesos, litig ios, cosa juzgad a, soberanía , impedim ento y
introDuction.- i. the foreign corruPt Practices act.-ii. the issues concern-
ing DouBle jeoParDy anD the fcPa.- A. The Inuen ce of Local Enforceme nt
Efforts and their Re sults over FC PA Prosec utions .- B. The R ole of Corpora-
tions in Cri minal Investigations .- C. The Inuenc e of Foreign Prosecutions
in Light of the United Sta tes Attorney’s Manual and other Relevan t Docu-
ments .- III. DouBle jeoParDy .- A. Generali ties and the “Sam e Offense”
Requireme nt.- B. The Dual Soverei gnty Issue.- C. Collate ral Estoppel.- iv.
Practical aPPlication anD conclusion.- BiBliograPhy.

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