The system of local competences in the Romanian Public Administration

AuthorDana Georgeta Alexandru
PositionFaculty of Humanties and Social Sciences, Departament of International Relations, Political Sciences and Security Studies, University 'Lucian Blaga' of Sibiu, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 2 (2014), pp. 1-8
D. G. Alexandru
Dana Georgeta Alexandru
Faculty of Humanties and Social Sciences
Departament of International Relations, Political Sciences and Security Studies
University "Lucian Blaga" of Sibiu, Romania
Corespondence: D. G. Alexandru, ULBS
Calea Dumbrvii St., no. 34, Sibiu, Romania
The extension of administrative tasks, originally endowed with powers of
supervision and maintain a social balance, it gradually became an engine that determines
changes, a new level of transformation. Given the current status of local collectivities,
through this research we intend to argue their tendency to become leading actors in the
landscape of administrative, political, economic and social.
Our study will consider the effects of the successive transfer of powers upon local
collectivities and its implications for the organization, mission and coooperation. These
circumstances arise many challenges for state and local collectivity: changing relations
between the institutions generated by the transfer of competences, redefining the maner of
intervention and coordination, taking into account the economic imperative and upgrading
administrative capacity at local level.
To understand the local collectivity administration system, we leave the general
considerations about the new trends of public administration, and we will analyze the legal
status of local competences set in terms of three dimensions: how they are defined, the extent
of competences and how to modify the powers.
Keywords: local collectivity, competences, state, public service
The theoretical construction of the notion of competence is differently analyzed by
doctrine; from this perspective we notice the existence of a multitude of definitions,
doctrinary debates and nuanced conclusions regarding this concept.
The Romanian administrative doctrine
has defined the notion of competence
starting from the correlation competence - capacity, on the one hand and the concept of
attributions on the other hand. It is estimated that the first two concepts are notions studied by
the administrative law, while the concept of attributions of the administration is of interest for
the science of administration.
The attributions of the public administration represent the objectives that the state
authorities must undertake within the executive activity that they carry out
. These objectives
are based on state interests or on interests of the local communities, according to real social
needs. In order to perform its activity, the local community has legal powers, namely the
complex of rights and attributions or the authority that it has been invested with, for such
The doctrine considers that there is a close connection between task and attribution,
Dana Apostol Tofan, Instituii administrative europene , C. H. B eck Publishing House. Bucharest. 2006, p.94.
I. Vâtu, M. Lepdtescu, I. Merlescu, M. Anghene, S faturile populare, organe locale ale puterii de stat în
R.S.R., Academiei Publishing House, Bucharest, 1964, p.91, apud. Ioan Santai, op.cit, p. 89.

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