The Subregional Development Banks and the Expansion of Socio-Economic Growth in Latin America: Current Issues and Future Prospects

AuthorFrancesco Seatzu
The Subregional Development Banks and The Expansion of Socio-Economic Growth In Latin America: Current Issues and Future Prospects
The Subregional Development Banks And The Expansion Of Socio-Economic
Growth In Latin America: Current Issues And Future Prospects
Francesco Seatzu
Sub-regional multilateral organizations are playing a rapidly increasing role in the
 
Latin American (‘LAC’) region. Evidence is also to be found in the following two
circumstances. Firstly, like reserve pooling institutions sub-regional multilateral
organizations in general and international sub-regional banks in particular are
          
       
development organizations are helping the LAC countries to increase their role
         
strengthening their internal capital markets. For instance, they are improving their
funding conditions and issuing bonds in Latin American currencies. Jointly with
      
liquidity. Therefore, for these and other reasons, the wealthier countries of the
LAC region such as Brazil and Mexico have allocated and still continue to allocate
increased resources to these organizations, and have also in several circumstances
taken their views into consideration in their own action plans and programmes.
However, though surprising, the wide and fast-growing role of sub-regional
          
very little attention from an international legal perspective. The overall goal of this
  
     
Starting from the premise that this experience has been one of the most successful
in the developing world (though uneven in terms of country coverage and services
provided), the paper will show that the Andean sub-region has been particularly
         
         
matters. In doing so, the paper will stress in particular that the two most successful
    
(CAF) and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) have
shown the capacity to supply services to member countries in a timely way, with
counter-cyclical effects and on a wider scale relative to other types of multilateral
    
healthy portfolios, even in the face of default by member countries. This is so even
1 *PhD (Not); Chair in International and EU Law, University of Cagliari, Italy.
though the services of these institutions could be broadened to support also the
growth and integration of the physical infrastructure and macro-economic policy
coordination. Concerning its overall structure, this paper is divided into two main
  
international legal perspective, the relative position of international sub-regional
 
          
assistance and knowledge to countries of this region. In the second part, through
a consideration of the structure and functioning of the CABEI and CAF the paper
will elaborate recommendations and draw some conclusions about the international
       
the LAC region, and how they can better enhance sub-regional cooperation and
promote collective action.
Keywords: 
development institutions.
1. Introductory Remarks.
The starting point of the following analysis is the idea that sub-regional
 
view of these uses and functions is hindered by two essential ingredients of the
environment in which such institutions currently operate. First, the growing
interdependence of the sovereign states belonging to the same geographical region
naturally leads to international cooperation and multilateralism in the running
            
intrinsically positive thing.2 International sub-regional institutions are, as it were,
landmarks on the path to an innovation-driven economy, and not only in Latin
America.3           
        
well as to generate knowledge on and supply technical advice and assistance for
2 Amplius G. P. Sampson, ‘Introduction’, in G. P. Sampson, S. Woolcock (eds.), Regionalism,
Multilateralism, and Economic Integration: The Recent Experience, (Tokyo: United Nations University
Press, 2003), p. 3 ff.
            
    
    
scenarios and strategic choices
of Development: Asian Perspectives
The Subregional Development Banks and The Expansion of Socio-Economic Growth In Latin America: Current Issues and Future Prospects
economic and social growth. Again, this is also clear if one pays attention to the
      
private sector lenders because they are neutral to risk.4 Critical assessment of their
performance is therefore hindered by the necessity not to strike at the principle for
which they stand.
        
as ‘banks’, i.e. as entities capable of accomplishing certain duties in the exclusive
interests of their clients. They were not purported to take on the wider tasks and
duties that they have achieved, as instruments for general trends in the running
         
American system of sub-regional multilateral banks was not conceived as a
        
capable of performing what is currently perhaps its main duty, the conduct of
   
    
documented and recently much known weaknesses such as a proneness to fashion,
a proliferating bureaucracy, weak decision-taking capacity, and so on.5 Fully aware
of these and other weaknesses, but needing sub-regional multilateral institutions to
accomplish certain duties that it is no longer fashionable to accomplish via national
in setting up clear guidelines and general principles for the optimal distribution of
   
incomplete attention given to the nature of the duties to be achieved, and the
  
chapter is the political analysts’ overall tendency to equate the case for increased
          
increasing the resources of a particular set of multilateral development institutions,
This chapter mainly focuses on two sub-regional multilateral institutions
    
          
          
issues. The questions that this paper tackles, and aims to answer, are as follows.
What was the nature of the demand which lead to the creation of these alternative
          
4       Enhancing the role of regional development
banks, (New York: United Nations, 2008), p. 4 ff.
6 Further references can be found in F. Seatzu, ‘The Role of the Multilateral Investment fund (MIF)
in the Promotion of Foreign Private Investments in the Latin American and Caribbean Regions’, in A.
Tanzi, A. Asteriti (eds.), Foreign Investment Law in Latin America: Problems and Prospects
    International Studies/Etudes Internationales pp.,

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