The responsibility of the mediator

AuthorNicoleta Elena Buzatu
PositionUniversity, Bucharest - Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2013), pp. 10-14
N. E. Buzatu
Nicoleta-Elena Buzatu
Faculty of Juridical and Administrative Sciences
“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence: Nicoleta-Elena Buzatu, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, 176
Splaiul Unirii, 4 District, Bucharest, Romania
Mediation is an alternative to the court, which brings solutions for those in conflict,
without appealing to legal instruments. The legal liability therefore comes when illegal acts
take place, and represents a major guarantee of complying with legal standards. In the case
of breaking legal standards, the social values which such standards defend are in danger. To
protect such values, a legal liability is established, when the legal standards are broken,
meaning that people, in our case the mediators, producing certain actions by which legal
standards are broken, need to undergo certain legal effects, namely they are likely to have
legal sanctions applied.
Keywords: mediator, legal liability, principles, obligations, sanctions
The mediation is a process to manage conflicts, allowing the prevention or the solving of
conflicts due to the intervention of a third party, impartial and having no power of decision,
and who guarantees the communication between partners and, implicitly, leads to re-
establishing the social connection
The object of the mediation is the conflict between the parties. To mediate means to
intervene between hostile parties and to lead them to solving a conflict. The mediator is
obliged to value and analyze carefully the object of the conflict, before accepting the case,
deciding if that conflict is likely to be solved via mediation.
The concept of liability or responsibility names a reaction of reprimanding coming
from the society, towards a certain human action, mainly attributable to an individual. In other
words, the liability is that social form, established by the state, through an illegal act, which
determines undertaking the adequate consequences, by those guilty, including the use of
constraint, with the aim of re-establishing the rule of law thus affected
The common meaning ascribed to liability, no matter the way it takes places, is that of
an obligation to undergo the effects of non-compliance with the legal standards. The nature of
the broken rule determines the nature of the type of liability.
In case the mediator breaks the obligation stated by the law, the standards provided by
the Working Regulations or the Code of Conduct and Professional Deontology, this one are
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Combat Discrimination), vol. NEDES 2012 – Exercitarea dreptului la nediscriminare i egalitate de anse în
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Society), Pro Universitaria Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012, p . 82.
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Individual Study Coursebook), Pro Universitaria Publishing House, B ucharest, 2012, p. 96.

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