The Future of Trade

AuthorPinelopi Koujianou Goldberg
PositionChief economist of the World Bank Group
Policy can play a role in shaping the future of the ailing multilateral trade system
Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg
he 75th anniversary of the Bret ton Woods
multilateral institutions ironically comes
at a time when the benets of multilater-
alism are being ch allenged. Doubts about
the functioning of our cu rrent trading system are
particularly pronounced. What is the future of
trade in this cha llenging environment? Does the
recent rise of protectionism signif y the end of the
open, rules-based trading system that fostered
globalization? Or ca n we rescue the system through
judicious reform?
e postwar globa l economy saw unprecedented
growth of global tra de and income. Explanations for
this growth abou nd: a sharp decline in information
and communication costs, technological change
allowing for increasing fragmentation of produc-
tion, political developments such as the integration
of eastern Europe and east Asia into world mar-
kets, and international cooperation. e nature
of the beast is such that qua ntifying t he relative
contribution of each of these explanations to the
growth of trade dees clean identication and
robust econometric evidence. Yet based on rst
principles, strongly suggestive empiric al evidence,
and anecdotal acc ounts, there is little doubt that a
rules-based, predic table trading system contributed
signicantly to tr ade and trade-induced growth in
many parts of the world, especia lly in Europe and

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