The 38th floor.


The 38th Floor

The following excerpts from statements by Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, made between 1 April and 30 June 1986, reflect the variety of activities he undertakes in pursuit of the goals of the organization.

To the Congress of Bolivia in La Paz, 7 April:

Bolivia's experience in recent years could be said to epitomize the distressing struggle of many developing countries which are caught between the Scylla of the policies of adjustment which the prevailing economic conditions demand and the Charybdis of their equally ineluctable political and moral commitment to satisfying their people's just hopes for a better life. Clearly the situation goes beyond the purely economic and financial and acquires a political and social significance of incalculable dimensions.

How to resolve this profound dichotomy between debt and development in a democratic framework is one of the most difficult problems of our time and it calls for a significant change in the pattern of international economic relations. For this reason an appeal to the international organization is justified. For this reason it is imperative that we seek new paths.

At the opening meeting of the fortieth anniversary session of the Executive Board of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), in New York, 14 April:

The working of UNICEF over these 40 years constitutes a record of achievement and aspiration for building a better future for humanity. All who contributed to its efforts can indeed be proud of it. The challenge before this body has not diminished; on the contrary, it is larger than ever. I, therefore, come before you in support of your determination that the fortieth anniversary of UNICEF be marked by action flowing from a strengthened commitment to the needs of children.

From a message to ECA African ministers responsible for economic development and planning, Yaounde, Cameroon, 17 April:

This time last year, Africa was in the grip of a human tragedy of unprecedented proportions. Famine and related scourges of malnutrition and disease were threatening millions of people and putting the very survival of countries at risk. There are still areas of need, especially of people who remain displaced and destitute. It is estimated that $1 billion is needed to cover emergency requirements and we must continue our efforts to ensure that these needs are met. But today, one can safely say that the worst of the drought-related emergency is over. I am pleased that the United Nations was able to play a central and crucial role in sensitizing the world to the problem and in mobilizing and facilitating the co-ordination of assistance from Governments, multilateral and bilateral organizations, non-governmental organizations and private individuals. The United Nations demonstrated that it is possible...

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