The fine penalty in the new criminal code

AuthorOlivian Mastacan - Vladila Lavinia Mihaela
PositionFaculty of Law and Social-Political Sciences, the Law Department Valahia University, Târgoviste, Romania - Faculty of Law and Social-Political Sciences, the Law Department Valahia University, Târgoviste, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No.1 (2012), pp. 67-73
O. Mastacan, L. M. Vladila
Olivian Mastacan
Faculty of Law and Social-Political Sciences, the Law Department
Valahia University, Târgovite, Romania
*Correspondence: Olivian Mastacan, Va lahia University of Târgovite, 8-10 Geti St.,
Târgovite, Romania
Lavinia Mihaela Vldil
Faculty of Law and Social-Political Sciences, the Law Department
Valahia University, Târgovite, Romania
*Correspondence: Lavinia Mihaela Vldil, Valahia University of T ârgovite, 8-10 Geti
St., Târgovite, Romania
In th e judicial system, the penal law has an essential role, those to defend and to
guarantee the main relationship in a society. In its framework, one of the pylon institutions is
represented by the penalty system. It reveals the penal policy of the state during a period of
time. Therefore, taking in consideration the regulation of the n ew criminal code, we propose
to analyze the fine penalty, which has a new reg ulation, substantial modified. This will be the
topic of the present article.
Key words: penalty system, fine penalty, new regulation.
The criminal sanctions represent a fundamental institution of the criminal law, and
along with the in stitution of criminal offen ce and responsibility represent the basis o f
criminal code
. The regulation of criminal sanctions can be found only in the general part of
the Criminal Code, each offence assuming one or more of them, depending on its degree o f
abstract social danger. The specification of the types of sanctions, their general mode of
implementation and execution has a special significance for the entire criminal regulation,
being an essential aspect in the the law of legality, thus contributing to the accomplishment
of the legal order.
The Fine in the New Criminal Code. Due to this special importance, the legislator
felt the need to dedicate an entire title to punishments, namely the III
Title of the Criminal
Code, this being one of the most extended and comprehensive title. The enforcement of a
criminal sanction represents the final stage in the chane of basic institutions of the criminal
law; the perpetration of a crime and the assessment of the criminal responsibility are
** Lecturer PhD, Faculty of Law and Social Policy, University Valahia of Targoviste,
** Lecturer PhD, Faculty of Law and Social Policy, University Valahia of Targoviste,
Gabriel-Silviu Barbu, Alexandru erban, Drept execuional penal, Ed. All Beck, Bucharest, 2005, p. 12.

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