The development of a 'rescue culture'. Insolvency globalization

AuthorIonel Didea - Diana Maria Ilie
PositionFaculty of Economics and Law, University of Pitesti, Romania - Legal and Human Resources Department, University of Pitesti, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences,
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 2 (2018), pp. 1-16
Faculty of Economics and Law, University of Pitesti, Romania
Faculty of Law Doctoral School
Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence: Ionel Didea, University of Pitesti, 1 Târgu din Vale Str.,
Pitești, Romania
Diana Maria ILIE, Candidate PhD.
Legal and Human Resources Department, University of Pitesti, Romania
Doctoral School Field of Law
Titu Maiorescu University, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence: Diana Maria University of Pitesti, 1 Târgu din Vale Str.,
Pitești, Romania
We are heading towards a phenomenon of internationalization and globalization of
the substantiation of law, due to the fact that Romania is, inevitably, part of the process of
integration and reflection of its own identity in a European and global context. Ultimately,
law derives from observing the society and analysing its needs, passing through the filter of
equity the final legal form in order to ensure the completeness of law, and also the structural
coherence of society. Although the continental European legal culture is attached to the
“general will”, globalization managed to erase many of the symbolical boundaries between
the legal culture promoted by the Common-law, the one promoted by our system deeply
markedby the Romano-Germanic System, and also the legal system outlined by American
Realist trends, thus allowing the law to become the result of the self-adaptation of the society,
not just the creation of the State.
KEY WORDS: insolvency, globalization, rescue culture, reorganization,
interdisciplinarity, comparative law.
Insolvency law managed to assert itself due to the legislative abundance which has
expanded remarkably in the past few years both at national, as well as at international level
(cross-border insolvency), due to the legislator’s constant concern for the modernization of
this field and the need toalign to the regulations prepared by bodies of the European Union,
and also by international bodies. We are currently talking about an expansion of the
insolvency phenomenon, through Law no. 151/2015
on the insolvency of natural persons, and
Originally, Law no. 151/2015 on the procedure of insolvency of natural persons, pub lished in the
Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 464 of 26 June 2015, should have co me into force on 26 December 2015.
The first p ostponement was made through Government Emergency Ordinance no. 61/2015 for the date of 31
the insolvency of territorial-administrative units, respectively, regulated by Government
Emergency Ordinance no. 46/2013 and approved by Law no. 35/2016
, provisions that reflect
and strengthen the current trends at European level and outline a new “architecture” of
insolvency in the Romanian legal space, as an undisputable effect of the current economic
and social reality. Insolvency has acquired new valences, being legislatively harmonised in
the context of the Monist system implemented by the new Civil Code, but also driven, at the
same time, in its evolution, by the principles promoted at the level of the European Union and
other levels as well.
The substantiation and promotion of a “culture of salvation” through mechanisms
developed in stages by the insolvency right, which tends, it its evolution, towards an
independent law
, is reflected in the modern normative purpose aiming at being focused on
and prioritizing the judicial reorganization as it is regulated by Law no. 85/2014 on
prevention insolvency proceedings and on insolvency procedure, the financial recovery
according to the norms of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 46/2013 regarding the
financial crisis and the insolvency of territorial and administrative units, approved by Law
no. 35/2016, as well as the reinsertion of natural persons in the social environment through a
well-deserved fresh-start, as regulated by Law no. 151/2015 on the insolvency of natural
persons, passing through the current social and economic filter the importance and need of
approaching these mechanisms promoted in the national, European Union and international
The provisions of Regulation (EU) 2015/848
that have recently come into force (June
2017) paved the way for the stimulation and the consolidation of a legislation focused on
debtor rescue mechanisms, as well as proceedings of debt repayment or debt adjustmentin
relation to the consumers and to self-employed persons, and this Regulation expands its scope
by including of the insolvency proceedings and those providing the early restructuring of a
company in a stage where there is only a probability of the insolvency. In Romania, the
aforementioned Regulation is directly applied in relation to the regulation of international
relations in the field of insolvency in the relationships with the Member States of the
European Union, while in relation to non-EU third countries, the rules of private international
law contained in Law no. 85/2014 on "Cross-border insolvency" are applicable. Mention
December 20 16, followed byGovern ment E mergency Ord inance no. 98/2016, which postponed the date of its
coming into force to 1 August 2017, mean while the Methodological norms for the application of Law no.
151/2015 were also approved. Nevertheless, the application of the Law of insolvency of natural persons faced a
last postponement of the date of its co ming into force, i.e. 1 January 2018, according to Government Ordinance
no. 6/2017, published in the Official Journal of Romania no, 614 of 28 July 2017, due to the fact that the
complexity of the field regulated by this law was invoked, as well as the viewpoint of the Superior Council of
Magistracy which highlights that a rigorous preparation of the administrative capacity of the courts called upon
to apply the proceedings of the insolvency of natural persons is required.
Official Journal no. 219/ 24.03. 2016.
See I. Didea, D.-M. Ilie, Un nou statut al instituției insolven ței raportat la viziunea mo nistă
promovată de Noul Cod Civil. Conturarea unui drept special, particular - dreptul insolvenței - urmare abrogării
Codului Comercial, in Curieru lJudiciar no. 8/2017, pp. 425-434.
Regulation (EU) 2015/848 on insolvency proceedings repealed Regulation (EC) 1346/2000 of the
European Council, its text being reformed to take into account the evolutions in the legislations o f the member
countries concerning the insolvency prevention proceedings, as well as the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice
of the European Union. The new text is applicable to insolvency proceedings opened from July 2017.

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