The Council of Europe and its consecration regulations and protection of human rights

AuthorTudor Tanasescu
PositionLaw Faculty, 'Bioterra' University from Bucharest, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2014), pp. 172-181
T. Tnsescu
Tudor Tnsescu
Law Faculty, „Bioterra” University from Bucharest, Romania
* Coresponden: Tudor Tnsescu, str. Pescruului nr.3, Bl. B-24, Sc.3, Et. 6, Ap.145,
Sector 2, Bucureti, România.
Abstract: The Council of Europe is the main international organization with vocation
intergovernmental regional/European which has the fundamental objective consecration and
protection of human rights. The Organization shall constitute the institutional framework in
which had been initiated and developed, under the aspect its rules and mechanisms, the best
international system in human rights domain, European system consecration and protection of
human rights.
Main conventional legal instruments in the promotion and protection of human rights
domain at the European level, adopted within the framework of the Council of Europe, on the
basis of which have been created and the institutions and mechanisms specific to this field
are: the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, European
Social Charter and the European Convention on indefeasibility war c rimes and crimes against
humanity, European Convention for the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading
treatment or, fr amework Conve ntion for the protection of ethnic minorities national, and so
Keywords: The Council of Europe, human rights, consecration, protection,
European Conventional tools.
European system for the protection of human rights is currently the most effective and
efficient system of protection and guarantee, through specific mechanisms, human rights and
its fundamental
freedoms. This was done, in the main, within the institutional framework of
the Council of Europe, in close liaison with the United Nations, afte rwards being developed
and at the European Union level and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
European States, members of the Council of Europe, support and promote through
their national laws the consecrated values and protected by European legal instruments in the
human rights domain.
The Council of Europe is currently main intergovernmental international organization
at European level which has the consecration main missions and defense of human rights.
Setting up of the National Council of Europe the surrounding with the attainment of united
Europe under i nstitutional aspect, through the creation of European organizations covering
political and economic integration of the states in the region.
The organization has been set up in London on 5 May 1949, by the representatives of
ten European
countries that have signe d the Council of Europe
. Creating organization has
been determined by the need for expressed by the Member States to preserve “ moral values
Scuna Stelian, Inter national law of human rights. Unive rsity Course, All. Beck Publishing H ouse, Bucharest,
2003, p.5 4; Tnsescu Tudor, International law of human rights. University Course, Sitech Publishing House,
Craiova, 2013, p. 59.
Bel gium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxemb ourg, The Netherlands, Great Britain, Norway and Sweden.
The text of the Statutes in the Official Gazette, Part I, no. 238 of 4 October 1993.

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