The candidates on the international economy.

Position2016 U.S. Presidential Campaign

"I'll bring back our jobs from China, from Mexico, from Japan, from so many places. I'll bring back our jobs, and I'll bring back our money....

"We owe China $1.3 trillion. We owe Japan more than that. So they come in, they take our jobs, they take our money, and then they loan us back the money, and we pay them in interest, and then the dollar goes up so their deal's even better.

"How stupid are our leaders? How stupid are these politicians to allow this to happen? How stupid are they?"

--DONALD TRUMP, announcing that he will seek the Republican nomination, June 16, 2015

"But the worst of China's sins is not its theft of intellectual property. It is the wanton manipulation of China's currency, robbing Americans of billions of dollars of capital and millions of jobs.

"Again, special interests and crony capitalism have weakened the resolve of the Obama administration in confronting China over its currency ploys. Economists estimate that the yuan is undervalued anywhere from 15 percent to 40 percent. Through manipulation of the yuan, the Chinese government has been able to tip the trade balance in their direction by imposing a de facto tariff on all imported goods. Imagine the impact these practices have had on our weakened manufacturing base, our agriculture industry, and every small business unable to compete internationally.

"On day one of a Trump administration, the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China a currency manipulator."

--DONALD TRUMP, Wall Street Journal op-ed, November 9, 2015

"Now the only reason that we can sustain that kind of debt is because of our artificial ability to print money, to create what we think is wealth, but it is not wealth, because it's based upon our faith and credit. You know, we decoupled it from the domestic gold standard in 1933, and from the international gold standard in 1971, and since that time, it's not based on anything. Why would we be continuing to do that?"

--Ben Carson, Interview with "Marketplace" host Kai Ryssdal, October 7, 2015

"You look at the Fed, one of the reasons we had the financial crash is throughout the 2000s, we had loose money, we had an asset bubble, it drove up the price of real estate, drove up the price of commodities, and then in the third quarter of 2008. the Fed tightened the money and crashed those asset prices, which caused a cascading collapse. That's why I am supporting getting back to a rules-based monetary system ...

"[I]nstead of adjusting monetary policy...

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