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AuthorSophie C. Boerman - Natali Helberger - Guda van Noort - Chris J. Hoofnagle
PositionAssistant professor of Persuasive Communication, Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam - Professor of Information Law, Institute for Information Law (IViR), University of Amsterdam - Associate professor of Persuasive Communication, Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam ...
Sophie C. Boerman, Natali Helberger, Guda van Noort and Chris J. Hoofnagle
Sponsored Blog Content
What do the Regulations Say? And what do Bloggers Say?
by Sophie C. Boerman, Natali Helberger, Guda van Noort and Chris J. Hoofnagle*
© 2018 Sophie C. Boerman, Nata li Helberger, Guda van Noort and Chris J. Hoofnagle
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Recommended citation: So phie C. Boerman, Natali Helberger, Guda van No ort and Chris J. Hoofnagle, Sp onsored Blog Content:
What do the Regulations Say? And what do Blogge rs Say?, 9 (2018) JIPITEC 146 para 1.
United States. We found that 65% of the posts men-
tion brands and products. Yet, only 15% of the blog
posts provided some commercial sponsorship dis-
closure. To determine whether posts mentioning
brands were organic, unsponsored endorsements,
we made repeated attempts to contact authors. Of
those that responded, most claimed that their writ-
ing was not sponsored, but a small number received
remuneration and did not disclose it. Furthermore,
among the disclosing bloggers, we found regular
problems in their sponsorship disclosures: many only
state ‘sponsored’ or ‘affiliated link’; only 1/3 stated
the name of the actual sponsor; most require the us-
ers to “scroll down,”; and most are in the same font
as ordinary text. Our findings raise several regulatory
issues; namely, the need for more concrete guidance
on disclosure format, and it highlights the difficulty of
monitoring compliance with the existing provisions.
In so doing, our findings also provide important input
for the European Commission’s Regulatory Fitness
and Performance exercise, which tackles, among oth-
ers the Unfair Commercial Practice Directive.
Abstract: Influencer marketing – the use of
opinion leaders such as bloggers with many follow-
ers and readers to disseminate product messages
– is gaining advertisers’ interest. This paper pres-
ents the law and self-regulative provisions concern-
ing blog advertising in both Europe and the US and
documents the actual practice of disclosing blog ad-
vertising: whether and if so how, bloggers disclose
influences from advertisers, and how these disclo-
sures align with the regulations in place. The Fed-
eral Trade Commission Act and related guides in the
US, and self-regulative provisions in Europe urge ad-
vertisers and endorsers, such as bloggers, to dis-
close any commercial relationship. These disclosures
should be clear and conspicuous because advertis-
ing to consumers should be recognizable as such. Al-
though advertisers increasingly encourage bloggers
to promote products, it is unclear whether bloggers
comply with disclosure requirements. To test com-
pliance with disclosure requirements, we performed
a content analysis of 200 blog posts drawn from
the top-20-ranked sites in the Netherlands and the
Keywords: Native advertising; advertorial; influencer marketing; sponsored content; advertising regulation;
unfair commercial practice; legal comparrison (US, European Law)

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