Secretary-General's remarks at Security Council open debate on 'Peace and Security in Africa: Strengthening Peacekeeping Operations in Africa' [Bilingual, as delivered].

Peacekeeping is a remarkable exercise in global solidarity. United Nations peacekeepers are ready to pay the ultimate price for peace, and we are all in their debt.

Last week, eight of our peacekeepers, all from African countries - Malawi and Tanzania, were killed in the line of duty. Most were trying to prevent an attack on the town of Beni in the Democratic Republic of Congo and create a safe environment for those working to end the Ebola outbreak there. I send my deepest condolences to their families, and to the families of all peacekeepers killed in the line of duty.

I dare ask you please if you could stand and observe a moment of silence for the fallen.

[Moment of silence.]

I thank the Chinese Presidency for convening this open debate on strengthening peacekeeping operations in Africa, and for China's contributions to UN peacekeeping operations in Africa and around the world.

Some 2,500 uniformed Chinese personnel, including well-trained and equipped individual and formed police units, are making an important contribution to multilateral efforts for peace.

I welcome President Xi's pledge to establish a Peacekeeping Standby Force and hope to build on the 13 units that have already been registered.

The African continent hosts seven of the fourteen UN peacekeeping missions and more than 80 per cent of the UN's peacekeepers. African countries provide nearly half of United Nations Blue Helmets deployed around the world, including almost two-thirds of all women peacekeepers, and the majority of UN police officers.

Nos missions de maintien de la paix sur le continent africain ont accompli des progres encourageants, ces dernieres annees. Les mandats ont ete menes a bien en Cote d'Ivoire et au Liberia et nos missions ont pu se retirer.

En Republique democratique du Congo, au Mali, en Republique centrafricaine et au Darfour, l'Union africaine et l'Organisation des Nations Unies ont collabore etroitement pour appuyer les processus politiques, les dialogues nationaux et les efforts de mediation dans la region, ce qui a desamorce les tensions et ouvert la voie a des accords de paix et a des elections.

Au Soudan du Sud, nous avons travaille avec l'Union africaine en soutien de l'Autorite intergouvernementale pour le developpement ou IGAD afin de parvenir a la signature de l'Accord revitalise sur le reglement du conflit.

Ces dix dernieres annees, l'Architecture africaine de paix et de securite de l'Union africaine a ete considerablement renforcee et...

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