Spanish Supreme Court Rules in Favour of Google Search Engine... and a Flexible Reading of Copyright Statutes?

AuthorRaquel Xalabarder
PositionProfessor of Law, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Raquel Xalabarder
Abstract: On 3 April 2012, the Spanish Su-
preme Court issued a major ruling in favour of the
Google search engine, including its ‘cache copy’ ser-
vice: Sentencia n.172/2012, of 3 April 2012, Supreme
Court, Civil Chamber.*
The importance of this ruling lies not so much in the
circumstances of the case (the Supreme Court was
clearly disgusted by the claimant’s ‘maximalist’ peti-
tum to shut down the whole operation of the search
engine), but rather on the court going beyond the text
of the Copyright Act into the general principles of the
law and case law, and especially on the reading of
the three-step test (in Art. 40bis TRLPI) in a positive
sense so as to include all these principles.
After accepting that none of the limitations listed in
the Spanish Copyright statute (TRLPI) exempted the
unauthorized use of fragments of the contents of a
personal website through the Google search engine
and cache copy service, the Supreme Court concluded
against infringement, based on the grounds that the
three-step test (in Art. 40bis TRLPI) is to be read not
only in a negative manner but also in a positive sense
so as to take into account that intellectual property
– as any other kind of property – is limited in nature
and must endure any
ius usus inocui
(harmless uses
by third parties) and must abide to the general prin-
ciples of the law, such as good faith and prohibition
of an abusive exercise of rights (Art. 7 Spanish Civil
The ruling is a major success in favour of a flexible
interpretation and application of the copyright stat-
utes, especially in the scenarios raised by new tech-
nologies and market agents, and in favour of using
the three-step test as a key tool to allow for it.
Spanish Supreme Court Rules in
Favour of Google Search Engine…
and a Flexible Reading of Copyright Statutes?
by Raquel Xalabarder, Barcelona
Professor of Law, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
© 2012 Raquel Xalabarder
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Recommended citation: Raquel Xa labarder, Spanish Supreme Court Rules in Favour of Google Search Engine… and a Fle xible
Reading of Copyright Statutes? , 3 (2012) JIPIT EC 162, para. 1.
A. The case
1 In 2006, the owner of a web page (
com>) sued Google Spain for the unauthorized re-
production and making available of its contents by
means of the Google search engine and the Google
Cache service, seeking damages for an amount
of 2,000 euros as well as an injunction to prevent
Google Spain from further operating its search en-
gine service.
The courts had to decide whether either one or
       
the reproduction and display of some fragments
of the web page contents (‘snippets’) under the
Keywords: Limitations, Three-step test, Fair use, Ius usus inocui, Abuse of right, Good faith, Safe harbors, Links,
Search engines, ISP liability, Temporary copying

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