Responsibility of the University in Employability: Development and validation of a measurement scale across five studies

Published date01 January 2021
AuthorPaula Álvarez‐González,María Jesús López‐Miguens,Gloria Caballero
Date01 January 2021
Business Ethics, Env & Resp. 2021;30:143–156.
  143© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Although employability is ultimately the individual responsibility
of the student, it also depends on other determinants such as the
university. Unive rsities are partially resp onsible for the impact that
their students generate in their social, local, and global environment
(Peric, 2012; Que zada, 2011; Vallaeys, de la C ruz, & Sasia, 20 09). They
also have the capa city and potent ial to prepare stu dents to enter
into society as responsible citizens contributing to sustainable devel-
opment, provi ding them with the necess ary qualities for th eir future
employment (Bo den & Nedeva, 2010; B ridgstock & Jac kson, 2019;
Cole & Tibby, 2013; Herbe rt, Rothwell, G lover, & Lambert , 2020;
Quezada, 2011) and, consequently, develop their employability (Sin
& Amaral, 2017). Pri oritising employabilit y has become a central ob-
jective of unive rsities (Sin & Amaral, 2017). B ased on research in the
field of organi sational responsibilit y (Hall & Berardino, 200 6; Haski-
Leventhal, Pour nader, & McKinnon, 2017; Kim, 2 019), we define
Responsibilit y of the University in Empl oyability (RUE) as the abilit y
of the universit y to transmit a set of gene ral and specific va lues, skills
and mindsets and to implement matching activities with employers,
insofar as they pr omote the employabilit y of future graduates.
Many stakehold ers are interested in RUE. So ciety wants univer-
sities to produce q ualified stu dents to promote s ustainable h uman
development (Br idgstock & Jack son, 2019; Herber t et al., 2020;
Trullas, Simo, Fusalba , Fito, & Sallan, 2018). G overnment entit ies
want to see the resu lts of their investments in uni versities, seeking
the integratio n of graduates into the l abour market and t he avoidance
of unemployment (C aballero, Vázquez, & Quintá s, 2015). Graduates
want to be employed to m eet their goals an d personal aspi rations
(Van der Heijden , Boon, Van der Kli nk, & Meijs, 20 09). Employers
demand gradu ates with domain-relevant k nowledge as well as qual-
ities such as flex ibility, adapta bility, teamwork, a nd empathy with
their environm ent (Dacre Pool, Qu alter, & Sewell, 2014; Nicolesc u
& Nicolescu, 2019). In shor t, although many stakehol ders are inter-
ested in RUE, for u niversities it r epresents on e of the main objec-
tives of the Bolog na Process within the frame work of the European
Higher Educati on Area (Paris Co mmuniqué, 2018). In th is way, uni-
versities have a grow ing social responsibilit y. This can be concei ved
as a change in the mana gement of universities whic h falls under the
remit of corpora te social respons ibility (Neave, 2 000; Scot t, 2003;
Shattock, 20 03). As orga nisations with a so cial orientat ion, uni-
versities have cor porate respons ibilities toward t heir internal an d
Received: 2 Augu st 2019 
  Revised: 10 August 2 020 
  Accepted: 19 August 20 20
DOI: 10 .1111/bee r.12319
Responsibility of the University in Employability: Development
and validation of a measurement scale across five studies
María Jesús López-Miguens1| Gloria Caballero1| Paula Álvarez-González2
1Department of Business Organization
and Marketing , School of Economic s and
Business, Un iversity of Vigo, V igo, Spain
2Department of Business Organization
and Marketing, Faculty of Economics
and Business Administration, University
of Santiago de Co mpostela, Santi ago de
Compostela, Spain
María Jesús López-Miguens, Department
of Business Or ganization and Mar keting,
School of Econo mics and Business , Rúa
Leonardo Da V inci, s/n, Universit y of Vigo,
Vigo, Spain.
Funding information
Social Counc il of the Universit y of Vigo
This paper develops an d validates, at a confirm atory level, a second- order scale to
measure Responsibili ty of the Universit y in Employability (RU E). First, the li terature
on the component s of RUE is explored and a formative concept ual model is proposed
to underpin its me asurement using ext ant research in the f ield of organisation al re-
sponsibility and e mployability. At the empir ical level, the secon d-order RUE model
considers the reput ation of the universit y, the teaching staf f, and the matching ac-
tivities with emp loyers as components of RUE. This model is ba sed on five empirical
studies. The fi rst is a small-sampl e study based on the o pinions of expert s (n = 5)
and the rest are base d on representati ve samples of universit y students (n = 8 16,
n = 1,082, n = 1,08 8, and n = 1,203). A very good fit bet ween model and data were
revealed (CFI = 0.975; RMSEA = 0.039; standardised X2 = 2.676). The results indicate
that matching activ ities with employer s and teaching staf f generate more RUE than
university repu tation. Guideli nes are offered for ma naging the responsib ility of the
university in employability.

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