Resolution nº S/RES/2277 (2016) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2277 (2 016)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
30 M arch 201 6
16-0513 9 (E)
Resolution 2277 (2016)
Adopte d by the Security Council at its 7659th m eeting , on
30 Marc h 2016
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g its pre vious reso lutions and the sta tements of its Pres ident
conc erning the De mocrati c Repu blic o f the Congo (DRC), especi ally it s reso lutions
2211 ( 2015), 2198 (20 15), 21 47 (2014 ), 2136 (2014), and 209 8 (2013 ),
Reaf firm ing the bas ic princ iples of peaceke eping, i ncludin g consen t of the
part ies, imp artialit y, a nd non -use of force, excep t in s elf-defe nce an d defen ce of the
mand ate, and recogn izin g that the man date of each peac e-keepin g mi ssion is
spec ific to t he need and sit uation o f the co untry c oncern ed,
Reaf firm ing its stro ng com mitment to the sovereig nty, indep endence , unity and
terri torial integr ity o f the DRC as well as all States in the r egion and emph asiz ing
the nee d to respect fu lly the princ iples of non -interfe rence, goo d-neigh bourline ss
and r egional cooper ation,
Reca llin g that th e Gov ernment of t he DRC bears the primary respo nsibilit y to
prot ect civilia ns within it s t erritory an d s ubject to it s j urisdict ion, inclu ding
prot ection fr om cri mes agai nst huma nity and war cr imes,
Reca llin g the commitm ents unde r the PSC F ramewor k by all Sta tes of the
regi on not t o inter fere in the int ernal a ffairs o f neighb ouring countri es, and to
neith er toler ate nor provide assista nce or s upport o f any k ind to a rmed gr oups,
Noting t hat easte rn DRC has co ntinued to su ffer from recurr ing cycle s of
confli ct and persi stent violence by armed groups , both Congo lese an d forei gn,
recalli ng the strategic impo rtance of the i mplementat ion o f the Peac e, Se curity and
Coope ration (PS C) Framew ork for t he DRC an d the Reg ion, a nd reiterati ng i ts call t o
all s ignatories to fulfil promptly, fully and in good faith thei r respecti ve commit ments
under this a greement in order to ad dress the root causes of conflict and p ut an e nd to
recurr ing cycles of violen ce, and pr omote lasti ng regio nal devel opment,
Enco urag ing the continu ation o f effort s by the Secreta ry-Gene ral of the Unit ed
Nati ons, the Interna tional C onferen ce on th e Great Lakes R egion (I CGLR), the
Sout hern Afri can Dev elopmen t Commu nity (S ADC), a nd the Af rican U nion (A U) to
restor e peace and sec urity in eastern DRC, encoura ging the Gover nment of the DR C
to ensur e continuo us close coop eration wi th these and oth er internat ional parti es,

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