Resolution nº S/RES/2202 (2015) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2202 (2 015)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
17 F ebruary 2015
Resolution 2202 (2015)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7384th meeting, on
17 February 2015
The S ecurity Counci l,
Recalling the purpos es a nd p rinciple s e nshrined in the Char ter of t he U nited
Nati ons an d reaff irming its full respe ct for the sover eignty, indepe ndence and
terri torial i ntegrity of Ukra ine,
Expressing i ts gra ve conc ern at the tragic events and violen ce in easter n
regi ons of U kraine,
Reaffirming its Reso lution 2 166 (20 14),
Firm ly convi nced th at the re solutio n of the situati on in e astern r egions o f
Ukra ine can only be achieve d throu gh a pea ceful se ttlemen t to the current crisis,
1. Endorses the “Pack age of measur es for the I mplemen tation of the Minsk
Agre ements”, adopte d and s igned in Minsk o n 12 Fe bruary 2 015 (An nex I);
2. Welcomes the Decl aration by the Presid ent of the Rus sian F ederatio n, the
Pres ident of Ukrain e, the P resident of the French Republi c and t he Chan cellor o f the
Fede ral Rep ublic of Ge rmany in sup port o f the “Packa ge of measu res for the
Impl ementati on of the Minsk Agreem ents”, adopte d on 12 Fe bruary 2015 in M insk
(Ann ex II ), a nd t heir continu ing commitm ent therein to the imple mentatio n of the
Mins k Agreeme nts;
3. Call s on a ll par ties to full y impl ement the “Pack age o f mea sures”,
inclu ding a comprehe nsive c easefir e as pro vided f or there in;
4. Decides to rema in seize d of the matter.

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