Resolution nº S/RES/2231 (2015) of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES/ 2231 (2 015)
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
20 J uly 2015
15-1224 3 (E)
Resolution 2231 (2015)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 7488 th mee ting, on
20 J uly 2015
The S ecurity Counci l,
Reca llin g the Stateme nt of its Presid ent, S/PRST/ 2006/15 , and its resol utions
1696 (2006 ), 173 7 (20 06), 17 47 (20 07), 1803 (200 8), 183 5 (20 08), a nd 192 9
Reaf firm ing its commitm ent to the Treaty on the Non -Prolifera tion o f Nucl ear
Weapon s, the need for all Stat es Party to t hat Treaty to c omply ful ly with the ir
obli gations, and re call ing the ri ght of States Party, in confo rmity w ith Artic les I a nd
II of t hat Treaty, to d evelop re search, p roducti on and use of nuclea r energy fo r
peac eful pur poses wi thout discrimi nation,
Emph asiz ing t he imp ortanc e of pol itical and dipl omatic eff orts to fin d a
nego tiated solu tion guara nteeing tha t I ran’s nuclea r p rogramm e i s e xclusiv ely for
peac eful purp oses, and n oting tha t s uch a solu tion woul d benefi t n uclear
non-p rolifera tion,
Welcomi ng dip lomatic eff orts by China, Fra nce, German y, the Russ ian
Fede ration, the United Kingd om, the Un ited States, the High Repres entative of the
Euro pean U nion for F oreign A ffairs and Secu rity P olicy, a nd Ira n to re ach a
comp rehensiv e, l ong-ter m an d pro per soluti on to the Ir anian nucl ear i ssue,
culm inating in t he Joint Compre hensive Pla n of Acti on (JCPO A) conc luded o n
14 J uly 2015 , (S/201 5/544, as a ttached as Annex A to t his reso lution) and the
esta blishmen t of the Joint C ommissi on,
Wel coming Iran ’s rea ffirmati on in th e JCPOA that i t will u nder no
circu mstance s ever s eek, de velop or acquire any nu clear we apons,
Noti ng the stat ement o f 14 J uly 2015 , from Chi na, Fra nce, Ge rmany, t he
Russ ian Fed eration , the Unit ed Kin gdom, t he Uni ted St ates, and the Euro pean
Unio n a imed at promot ing transp arency and cre ating an atmos phere cond ucive to
the full implem entatio n of the JCPOA (S/2015 /545, as a ttached as A nnex B to this
resol utio n),
Affi rmin g t hat con clusion of the JCPOA mar ks a fu ndament al sh ift in its
cons ideratio n of th is issue , and expressin g i ts desir e to b uild a n ew rela tionship with
S/RES/2231 (2015)
Iran strengt hened b y the i mplemen tation of the J CPOA an d to br ing to a satisf actory
conc lusion i ts consi deration of this matter,
Affi rmin g that full im plemen tation of the JCP OA wi ll contrib ute to building
confi dence i n the ex clusive ly peace ful natu re of Ir an’s nucl ear prog ramme,
Stron gly supp orting t he essen tial and inde pendent role of the I nternati onal
Atom ic En ergy Ag ency (IAE A) i n ver ifying co mpliance wi th sa feguard s
agre ements, inclu ding t he no n-diver sion of dec lared nuclear mate rial t o und eclared
purp oses and th e absence o f undeclar ed nuclea r materia l and undec lared nucl ear
acti vities, and, in th is co ntext, in en suring the exclusiv ely p eaceful nature of Iran ’s
nucl ear program me, includi ng through the i mplement ation of the “Fra mework for
Coop eration” a greed bet ween Iran a nd the IAEA on 11 N ovember 2013 and th e
“Roa dmap fo r Clarif ication of P ast and Pres ent Out standing I ssues”, and
recog nizi ng t he IAEA’s im portant role in supp orting full impl ementat ion of t he
Affi rmin g that IAEA saf eguards are a fun damenta l com ponent of nucle ar
non-p rolifera tion, p romote greater confid ence a mong St ates, i nter al ia, by providi ng
assu rance t hat Stat es are comply ing wi th the ir oblig ations under r elevant safegu ards
agre ements, cont ribute to strengt hening their coll ective secur ity a nd h elp to cr eate
an envi ronment condu cive to nucle ar coo peration , and fu rther rec ogni zing t hat
effec tive and e fficient s afeguard s imp lement ation re quires a c ooperati ve ef fort
betwe en th e IAE A and State s, tha t the IAEA Secreta riat will c ontinue to engage in
open dialo gue o n safe guards matter s with State s to increa se tra nsparenc y and build
confi dence and to intera ct with them on the implem entat ion of s afeguard s, a nd i n
this case, avoi d ham pering the economi c and tec hnologic al dev elopmen t of Iran or
inter nationa l coo peratio n in the fiel d of pea ceful nuclea r ac tivities; res pect health,
safet y, physic al pr otectio n an d ot her securit y pr ovisions in fo rce and the rights of
indi viduals; and take every pr ecautio n to prot ect comm ercial, tech nologic al and
indu strial s ecrets a s well a s other c onfiden tial inf ormatio n coming to its knowled ge,
Enco urag ing M ember State s to coop erate, incl uding t hrough IAE A
invo lvement, with Iran i n the framewo rk of the JC POA in the f ield of peace ful use s
of nucle ar e nergy and to engage in mut ually deter mined civil nucl ear coopera tion
proj ects, in accorda nce with Annex II I of the JCPOA,
Noti ng the termi nation of provis ions o f pr evious resol utions and other
meas ures fo reseen in th is reso lution, and invitin g Member States to gi ve due regar d
to th ese cha nges,
Emph asiz ing that the JC POA is conduc ive to promo ting and faci litating th e
deve lopment of no rmal e conomic and trade contact s and coope ration with I ran, a nd
havi ng regar d to Sta tes’ right s and ob ligatio ns relati ng to in ternatio nal trad e,
Unde rsco rin g th at Memb er Stat es are o bligate d under Artic le 25 o f the C harter
of th e Unite d Nation s to ac cept and carry o ut the S ecurity Council ’s de cisions,
1. En dors es the J CPOA, and urges i ts ful l impl ementat ion on the timetab le
esta blished in the J CPOA;
2. Ca lls upo n all Member s Sta tes, regiona l org anizatio ns a nd in ternatio nal
organ izations t o t ake such ac tions as may b e approp riate to s upport t he
impl ementati on o f the JCPO A, in cluding by taking acti ons c ommens urate with the
impl ementati on plan set out in the JCPOA a nd this resoluti on and by refra ining fr om
actio ns that undermi ne impl ementati on of co mmitme nts unde r the JC POA;
3. Re ques ts the Di rector Gen eral of the IAEA to und ertake the ne cessary
veri fication a nd mo nitorin g of Ir an’s nu clear-r elated co mmitmen ts fo r the f ull
dura tion of t hose co mmitmen ts unde r the JCP OA, an d reaffi rms tha t Iran s hall
coop erate fully a s the IAEA r equests to b e able to r esolve all o utstandi ng iss ues, as
iden tified in IAEA rep orts;
4. Re ques ts the D irector Gener al of the I AEA to provi de reg ular u pdates to
the IAE A Board of Gove rnors and, as appr opriate, in p arallel to the Sec urity
Coun cil on Iran’s imple mentatio n of its co mmitme nts un der th e JCPO A and also to
repor t to the IAEA Bo ard of G overnor s and in paralle l to the Securit y Cou ncil at any
time if the Directo r Ge neral has reasona ble g rounds to believe ther e is an issue of
conc ern dire ctly affe cting fu lfilment of JCP OA commi tments;
5. Re ques ts that, as soo n as the IAE A has verifie d th at Ir an has t aken the
actio ns sp ecified in paragr aphs 1 5.1-15. 11 of Annex V o f the JCPO A, the Dire ctor
Gene ral of the IAE A submit a re port confi rming this f act to the IAEA Bo ard of
Gove rnors an d in par allel to the Se curity Co uncil;
6. Re ques ts furt her that , as so on as t he IAEA has re ached t he Broa der
Conc lusion tha t all nucl ear ma terial in Ira n remai ns in pea ceful acti vities, the
Dire ctor Gene ral of the IA EA submit a re port conf irming th is conclus ion to the
IAEA B oard of Govern ors and in paral lel to t he Secur ity Cou ncil;
7. De cide s, acti ng under Articl e 41 of th e C harter of the Un ited Nation s,
that, upon receip t by the Se curity Council of t he repo rt fro m the IAEA d escribed in
para graph 5:
(a) T he provisi ons of resol utions 16 96 (2006), 1 737 (2006) , 1747 (2007 ),
1803 (2008), 1835 (2 008), 1 929 (20 10) and 2224 (2 015) sh all be te rminate d;
(b) Al l Stat es shal l comp ly with parag raphs 1 , 2, 4 , and 5 and the pr ovision s
in subp aragrap hs (a)-(f) of pa ragraph 6 of Anne x B for the durat ion specifi ed in
each para graph or subparag raph, and are called upo n to compl y wi th p aragraph s 3
and 7 of Anne x B;
8. De cide s, acti ng under Articl e 4 1 o f t he Charter of the U nited Natio ns,
that on th e date ten years after t he JCP OA Adopti on Day, as de fined in the JCPOA ,
all the prov isions of this reso lution sha ll be t erminat ed, and none of the previo us
resol utions descri bed i n par agraph 7 (a) shall be applied , the Secu rity C ouncil will
have conc luded its co nsidera tion o f t he Iran ian nu clear i ssue, and t he item
“Non -prol iferatio n” will be remo ved fr om the list o f matte rs of w hich the Counci l is
9. De cide s, acti ng under Articl e 41 of th e C harter of the Un ited Nation s,
that the termina tions describ ed in Annex B an d par agraph 8 of this resolut ion s hall
not occ ur if t he provisi ons of previou s r esolutio ns have bee n a pplied pur suant to
para graph 12;

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