Resolution nº 2008/27 of the United Nations Economic and Social Council. 24-07-2008

Date24 July 2008
IssuerEconomic and Social Council of the United Nation
ECOSOC Resolution 2008/27
Provision of international assistance to the most
affected States neighbouring Afghanistan
The Economic and Social Council
its resolutions 2001/16 of 24 July 2001, 2002/21 of 24
July 2002, 2003/34 and 2003/35 of 22 July 2003 and 2005/27 of 22
July 2005 and other relevant resolutions on international assistance to
States affected by the transit of illicit drugs,
Taking note with concern
of the report of the United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime entitled “Afghanistan: opium survey
2007”, in which the Office emphasized that, in 2007, Afghanistan had
produced 8,200 tons of opium, representing 93 per cent of global
the progress that Afghanistan has made in implementing
the National Drug Control Strategy of the Government of
including the fact that the number of its provinces free
of opium poppy more than doubled, from six to thirteen, in 2007,
the commitments assumed by Member States in the
Political Declaration adopted by the General Assembly at its twentieth
special session
and the measures to enhance international cooperation
to counter the world drug problem,
Wel co mi ng
the Paris Pact initiative on assistance to States
affected by the transit of illicit drugs,
the ongoing efforts of the Government of
Afghanistan and the international community, including States
neighbouring Afghanistan, to counter the scourge of illicit drugs,
despite the continuing increase in the illicit cultivation of opium
poppy and the illicit production of opiates in Afghanistan,
that international drug traffickers are constantly
changing their modus operandi, rapidly reorganizing and gaining
access to modern technology,
that transit States are faced with multifaceted
challenges related to the increasing amount of illicit drugs transiting
through their territory as a result of the increasing supply and demand
on illicit drug markets,
Keeping in mind
that the bulk of the illicit drugs originating in
Afghanistan are smuggled through the Islamic Republic of Iran,
Pakistan and other countries neighbouring Afghanistan before
reaching their countries of destination,
that a large number of transit States, in particular
the States neighbouring Afghanistan, are developing countries or
S/2006/106, annex.
General Assembly resolution S-20/2, annex.
General Assembly resolutions S-20/4 A to E.
S/2003/641, annex.

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