A/RES/76/220. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2021

Resolution NumberA/RES/76/220
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /76/ 220
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
10 J anuary 2 022
21-192 85 (E) 1 301 22
Seventy -sixth sess ion
Agen da item 25 (a)
Operat ional activi ties for deve lopment: ope rational
activi ties for deve lopment of th e United Na tions system
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 17 December 2021
[on th e report of the Sec ond Comm ittee (A/ 76/537/Ad d.1, par a. 7)]
76/220. Operational activities for development of the United Nations system
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firm ing i ts resolut ion 75/23 3 of 21 Dece mber 2020 on the quadr ennial
comp rehensiv e polic y review of ope rational activit ies for develop ment of the Uni ted
Nati ons syst em, incl uding it s gener al guide lines,
Reaf firming also its re solution 72/27 9 of 31 Ma y 2018 on t he rep ositionin g of
the Unit ed Nati ons dev elopmen t syste m in th e cont ext of the quad rennial
comp rehensiv e polic y review of ope rational activit ies for develop ment of the Uni ted
Nati ons syste m and its resoluti ons 73/ 248 of 20 Decembe r 2018 an d 74/238 of
19 Dece mber 2019 on op erationa l acti vities for develop ment of the Unit ed Na tions
syst em,
Reaf firming f urther i ts resolu tion 70/ 1 of 25 Se ptember 2015, entitled
“Tran sforming our w orld: t he 2030 Agenda for S ustaina ble Dev elopmen t”, in which
it adop ted a compre hensive, fa r-reach ing and peop le-cent red set of univ ersal and
tran sformati ve Su stainab le D evelopm ent G oals and targets , its com mitment to
work ing tire lessly f or the fu ll impl ementati on of th e Agenda by 20 30, its r ecognit ion
that eradic ating poverty in a ll its forms and dimensio ns, in cluding extre me pov erty,
is the gr eatest glo bal chall enge and an in dispens able requi rement for sustaina ble
deve lopment , its co mmitmen t to a chieving sustai nable d evelopm ent i n its th ree
dime nsions – econ omic, soci al and enviro nmental – i n a b alanced an d i ntegrate d
mann er, and to bui lding upo n the achie vements of the Mill ennium De velopme nt
Goal s and se eking to addres s their u nfinish ed busin ess,
Reaf firm ing its resolu tion 69/313 of 27 Ju ly 20 15 on the Addis Ababa A ction
Agen da of t he Third Interna tional Conferen ce on Financin g for D evelopm ent, wh ich
is an integra l pa rt of the 203 0 Agen da f or S ustainab le Developm ent, suppor ts and
comp lements i t, helps t o context ualize it s means of i mplemen tation ta rgets wit h

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