A/RES/75/133. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2020

Resolution NumberA/RES/75/133
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /75/ 133
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
22 D ecember 2020
20-171 90 (E) 2 912 20
Seventy -fifth sessi on
Agen da item 78
Report of the Unit ed Nations C ommission o n Internatio nal
Trade Law on the work of its fifty -third sess ion
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 15 December 2020
[on th e report of the Sixth Committ ee (A/75 /424, pa ra. 7)]
75/133. Report of th e United Nat ions Commission on Internatio nal Trade
Law on the work of its f ifty-third session
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g its res olution 2 205 ( XXI) of 17 Dec ember 196 6, by whi ch it
esta blished the U nited Nation s Comm ission on In ternatio nal Trade Law w ith a
mand ate to f urther th e progr essive h armoniz ation an d unific ation of the law of
inter nationa l trade and in that respe ct to bear i n mind the i nteres ts of all p eoples, in
part icular thos e of develo ping count ries, in the ex tensive de velopme nt of intern ational
trad e,
Reaf firming its be lief t hat the progre ssive moderni zation and har monizat ion of
inter nationa l trade law, in reduci ng or r emoving lega l obst acles t o the f low of
inter nationa l trade, especial ly thos e affecti ng devel oping co untries, would contribu te
signi ficantl y to uni versal econo mic coo peration among all Sta tes on a bas is of
equa lity, equit y, c ommon i nterest a nd respec t for the rule of la w, to the eliminat ion of
discr iminati on i n in ternatio nal trade and, ther eby, t o pe ace, stabili ty a nd t he well-
bein g of all peoples ,
Havi ng consi dered th e repor t of the Commis sion,
Reit erating its conc ern tha t activi ties und ertaken by othe r bodie s in the field of
inter nationa l tr ade law without ade quate coord ination wit h th e C ommissi on m ight
lead to undesi rable du plicatio n of effor ts and wo uld not b e in keep ing with t he aim of
prom oting effi ciency, con sistency a nd cohere nce in the u nificatio n and harm onizati on
of in ternatio nal trad e law,
Reaffirm ing the m andate of the Commi ssion, as the core legal body w ithin t he
Unit ed Nations sy stem in the fie ld of interna tional trad e law, to coordin ate legal
Officia l Reco rds of t he Gen eral As sembly, Sevent y-fif th Sess ion, Su ppleme nt No. 17 ( A/75 /17).

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