A/RES/73/295. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2019

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/295
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 295
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
24 Ma y 2019
19-084 74 (E) 29051 9
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da item 88
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 22 May 2019
[without reference to a Main Commit tee (A/73/L.84/Rev.1 an d A/73/L.84/Rev.1/Add.1)]
73/295. Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice o n the legal
consequences of the sepa ration of t he Cha gos Archipelago from
Mauritius in 1965
The General Assembly ,
Guid ed by t he prin ciples ensh rined i n the C harter of t he Unit ed Nati ons,
inclu ding th e inalie nable ri ght of s elf-de terminat ion of p eoples,
Cons ider ing th at resp ect for the obligatio ns ari sing fr om the Charte r and other
instr uments a nd rule s of inte rnationa l law is a mong th e basic p urposes and prin ciples
of th e Unite d Nation s,
Reca llin g i ts res olution 71 /292 o f 22 Ju ne 201 7, by whi ch it dec ided, in
acco rdance wit h A rticle 96 of th e Charter, to r equest the I nternati onal Court o f J ustice,
purs uant t o Artic le 65 of t he Sta tute of th e Cour t, to rende r an advisor y opi nion o n
the follow ing t wo qu estions rela ting t o the lega l con sequence s of the separa tion of
the Chagos Ar chipelag o from M auritiu s in 196 5:
(a) “ Was the proc ess of de coloniza tion of M auritius lawfully complet ed when
Maur itius wa s grante d indepe ndence in 1968, followin g the se paratio n of the Chagos
Arch ipelago f rom Maur itius and h aving reg ard t o in ternatio nal l aw, inc luding
obli gations ref lected in Gene ral A ssembly re solution s 1514 (X V) of 14 D ecembe r
1960 , 2066 ( XX) of 16 Dec ember 1965 , 2232 (XXI ) of 2 0 Decemb er 196 6 and
2357 (XXI I) o f 19 De cember 1967?”,
(b) “W hat are t he conseq uences u nder inte rnationa l law, inclu ding obli gations
refle cted in the abov e-menti oned reso lutions, arisi ng fr om th e con tinued
admi nistrati on by the U nited Kingdo m of Great Britai n and Northe rn Ire land o f the
Chag os Archipe lago, incl uding wit h respect to the inabil ity of Maur itius to im plement
a progr amme for th e resettle ment on the Ch agos Archip elago of its n ationals, i n
part icular th ose of Chagossi an orig in?”,

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