A/RES/73/195. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2018

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/195
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 195
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
11 Ja nuary 20 19
18-223 54 (E) 160119
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da items 14 an d 119
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 19 December 2018
[witho ut reference to a Mai n Commit tee (A/7 3/L.6 6)]
73/195. Global Compact fo r Safe, Orderly and Regular Mig ration
The General Assembl y,
Reca llin g its r esolutio n 71/1 of 1 9 Septemb er 2016, i n which it d ecided to
conve ne an i ntergover nmental confere nce to a dopt a g lobal co mpact fo r safe, o rderly
and regul ar mi gration, as well as its resoluti ons 71/280 of 6 April 2017, 72/2 44 of
24 Dece mber 20 17 and 72/308 of 6 Augu st 2018 ,
1. Expre sses its profo und gratit ude to the Go vernment a nd the peopl e o f
Moro cco for h osting th e Intergo vernment al Confe rence to Ad opt the G lobal Co mpact
for Safe, O rderly a nd Reg ular Mig ration, held in Marra kech on 10 and 11 Dec ember
2018 , and fo r provid ing all the nece ssary s upport;
2. Endo rse s the Globa l Co mpact for Safe, Ord erly and Regul ar M igratio n
adop ted by the I ntergove rnmental Confere nce as con tained in t he annex to the prese nt
resol utio n, an d which will al so be kn own as the Mar rakech Compact on Mig ration.
60th plen ary meet ing
19 Dece mber 20 18
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
We, th e Head s of State a nd Gov ernment and High Re present atives, meetin g in
Moro cco on 10 a nd 11 Decembe r 2 018, reaffir ming the New York Decl aration for
Refu gees a nd Mi grants
a nd det ermined to make an impo rtant contr ibution to
Res olution 71/1.
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
enha nced co operati on on internat ional migratio n in a ll its dimens ions, h ave ad opted
this Global Compact for Saf e, Order ly and Regular Migratio n:
1. This Global Compac t rests on the purpos es and principl es of t he Char ter of the
Unit ed Natio ns.
2. It also rests on t he Un iversal Decl aration of Human Rights ;
the Inter national
Cove nant on Civil and Poli tical Right s;
the Int ernation al C ovenan t on Ec onomic,
Soci al an d Cul tural Rights; 3 th e oth er co re in ternatio nal h uman rights treat ies;
Unit ed N ations Con vention aga inst Transnat ional Organ ized Crime,
incl uding the
Proto col to Preven t, Supp ress a nd Puni sh Traffi cking i n Pe rsons, Especial ly Women
and Children ,
and the Pro tocol ag ainst th e Smugg ling of Migrant s by Lan d, Sea and
the Slavery C onventio n
and t he Suppl ementar y Conven tion on th e Abolitio n of
Slav ery, the Sla ve Trade, a nd Instit utions a nd Pract ices Simi lar to Slavery;
th e
Unit ed Nations F ramewor k Convent ion on Clima te Change ;
th e United Na tions
Conv ention t o Comb at Deser tificati on in Th ose Co untries Expe riencing Seriou s
Drou ght and/or Deser tificati on, Particul arly in Afr ica;
the Pari s Agre ement;
an d
the Inte rnationa l La bour Organi zation conv entions on pro moting dece nt work and
labo ur migrat ion,
as we ll as on the 2030 Agen da for Sus tainable Develop ment;
th e
Addi s Ababa A ction Ag enda o f the T hird I nternati onal Co nferenc e on Financin g for
Deve lop ment ;
the S endai Fra mework fo r Disaster Risk Redu ction 20 15–2030 ;
an d
the New Urb an Agenda .
3. Disc ussions abou t int ernation al mi gration at the global level are not new. We
reca ll the adva nces m ade thr ough t he Uni ted Nat ions H igh-le vel Di alogues on
Inter nationa l Mig ration and Devel opment in 2006 and 2013. We also ack nowledg e
the contri butions of the G lobal Forum on M igration and Devel opment, launc hed i n
2007 . These pl atforms paved the way for the New Yor k Declar ation for Refugee s and
Migr ants, thro ugh whic h we comm itted to el aborate a g lobal com pact on ref ugees and
to ad opt this Global C ompact for S afe, Ord erly and Regular Migrati on, in t wo
separ ate p rocesse s. The tw o glo bal co mpacts, toge ther, p resent com plement ary
inter nationa l cooper ation fr amework s that f ulfil t heir re spective mandat es as lai d out
Reso lution 217 A (II I).
See resolut ion 22 00 A (XXI ), ann ex.
Interna tional Conven tion o n the E limina tion of All Fo rms of Racial Discr iminat ion, Conven tion
on t he Eli minatio n of All Forms of Di scrimin ation against Women, Conven tion a gainst Torture
and Other Cruel, Inhuma n or D egradin g Treat ment or Punis hment, Conve ntion on the Rights of
the Child, Intern ational Conve ntion on the Protec tion of the R ights of All Migran t Workers and
Memb ers of Their Famili es, Int ernati onal Co nventi on for the Pr otecti on of Al l Perso ns fro m
Enfo rced Di sappea rance, and C onvent ion on the Ri ghts of Perso ns wit h Disab ilitie s.
Unit ed Nati ons, Tre aty Se ries, vol . 22 25, No . 39574.
Ibid. , vol. 2237, No. 39 574.
Ibid. , vol. 2241, No. 39 574.
Leag ue of Nations , Treaty Serie s, vol. LX, No. 14 14.
Unit ed Nati ons, Tre aty Se ries, vol . 26 6, No . 382 2.
Ibid. , vol. 1771, N o. 30 822.
Ibid. , vol. 1954, N o. 33 480 .
Adopted under the U nited N ations Frame work C onvent ion on Climat e Chan ge in
FCCC /CP /201 5/10 /Ad d.1 , de cision 1/CP.21.
Migrati on for Emplo yment C onvent ion (R evised ), 1949 (No. 97), M igrant Workers
(Sup plemen tary Pr ovisio ns) Co nventio n, 197 5 (No. 143), Equali ty of Treatme nt (Soc ial Sec urity)
Conv ention, 1962 (No. 118 ), and Domes tic Work ers Con ventio n, 2011 (No. 1 89) .
Reso lution 70/1.
Reso lution 69/313 , a nnex.
Reso lution 69/283 , a nnex II.
Reso lution 71/256 , a nnex.
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
in th e New York Decl aration f or Refug ees and Migr ants, wh ich rec ognizes t hat
migr ants and re fugees ma y face man y common challeng es and simi lar vulne rabiliti es.
4. Refu gees and mi grants are e ntitled to t he same univ ersal hu man right s and
fund amental freedo ms, whi ch must be re spected, protec ted and fulfil led at all time s.
Howe ver, migr ants an d refuge es are d istinct grou ps gove rned by sepa rate le gal
frame works. O nly refuge es are enti tled to the sp ecific in ternatio nal prot ection de fined
by i nternat ional r efugee law. This Globa l Compa ct refe rs to migrant s and presents a
coop erative framewo rk addre ssing mi gration in all its dime nsions.
5. As a contrib ution to the pre paratory proces s for thi s Global Compac t, we
reco gnize the i nputs shared by M ember States and relevan t stak eholder s duri ng th e
cons ultation and stock taking phase s, as well as the report of the Secretar y-Gener al
entit led “Ma king mi gration work for all”.
6. This Glob al Co mpact is a mil estone in t he hi story of t he gl obal dialogue and
inter nationa l c ooperat ion on migra tion. It is roo ted in the 203 0 A genda for Su stainab le
Deve lopment and t he Addis Ababa Act ion Agen da, and infor med by the Declara tion
of t he Hig h-level Dialog ue on Internat ional M igratio n and Develop ment, a dopte d in
Octo ber 2013.
It bu ilds on the p ioneerin g work of t he former S pecial Re present ative
of th e Secre tary-Ge neral on Migrat ion, inc luding his repo rt of 3 F ebruary 2017.
7. This Glo bal Compac t pr esents a non-l egally bind ing, cooper ative frame work
that bui lds on the com mitments a greed upon by Me mber State s i n t he New Yor k
Decla ration fo r Refuge es and M igrants. It foster s interna tional co operation among all
relev ant actors on m igration, acknowled ging that no St ate can addre ss migratio n alone,
and u pholds th e soverei gnty of St ates and their obl igations under inte rnational law.
Our vis ion and guid ing princip les
8. This Glob al C ompact e xpresses our c ollectiv e co mmitment to im provi ng
coop eration on inter national migra tion. Migr ation has be en par t of the hu man
expe rience thro ughout his tory, and we recog nize that it is a sour ce of prosper ity,
inno vation a nd sustai nable de velopme nt in our globali zed worl d, and th at these
posit ive imp acts can be opti mized b y improv ing migr ation go vernanc e. The m ajority
of mig rants aro und the wo rld toda y travel, l ive and wo rk in a safe , orderly a nd regula r
mann er. No netheles s, mi gration un deniabl y affe cts o ur co untries, c ommunit ies,
migr ants and their families in ver y differe nt and s ometime s unpred ictable ways.
9. It is cr ucial that t he challen ges and opp ortuniti es of intern ational m igration unite
us, rather than d ivide us. Thi s Globa l Comp act se ts out our c ommon underst anding,
share d respons ibilitie s and unity of pu rpose rega rding migr ation, ma king it work
for al l.
Common understand ing
10. This Global Co mpact is t he produc t of an unpre cedente d review o f evidenc e and
data gathe red duri ng an ope n, transp arent an d inclusi ve proce ss. We shared our
realiti es and heard di verse v oices, e nriching and sh aping o ur comm on under standin g
of this co mplex phenome non. We learned that migratio n is a defin ing fea ture o f our
glob alized world, conn ecting societ ies within and across all region s, ma king us al l
count ries of or igin, transit and destin ation. We reco gnize that there is a cont inuous
need for int ernatio nal effor ts to st rengthe n our kn owledge and an alysis of migra tion,
A/72 /643 .
Reso lution 68/4.
See A /71/ 728.

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