A/RES/73/186. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2018

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/186
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 186
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
29 J anuary 2 019
18-222 82 (E) 01021 8
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da item 109
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 17 December 2018
[on th e report of the Third Committ ee (A/73/ 590)]
73/186. Strengthening the United Natio ns crime preventio n and criminal
justice progr amme, in particular its technical cooperation capacity
The General Assembly ,
Reaffirm ing its reso lutions 46/152 of 1 8 Decem ber 199 1, 60/1 of 16 Sep tember
2005 , 67/1 of 19 Septembe r 2012 , 69/1 93 and 69 /196 o f 18 Dec ember 2014, 70/178
and 70/1 82 o f 17 Decemb er 2015, 71/209 of 19 D ecember 201 6 and 7 2/19 6 o f
19 Dece mber 20 17,
Reaf firming al so it s reso lutions re lating to th e urge nt nee d to str engthen
inter nationa l coo peratio n and tech nical assista nce i n pro moting and facili tating the
ratif ication and impl ementati on of the United N ations C onventio n agains t
Trans national Organiz ed Crim e and t he Proto cols the reto,
the Single Convent ion on
Narc otic Dru gs of 19 61 as a mended by t he 1972 Prot ocol,
the Con vention on
Psyc hotropic Substan ces of 19 71,
th e United Nations Conv ention a gainst Il licit
Traffi c in Na rcotic Drugs a nd Psyc hotropi c Subst ances o f 1988,
the United Nation s
Conv ention again st Co rruption
and all the intern ational conve ntions and protoc ols
agai nst terro rism,
Reca llin g th e i mportanc e of the Doh a D eclarati on o n I ntegrati ng C rime
Prev ention and Crimin al J ustice into the Wider United Nati ons Age nda to Add ress
Soci al and Ec onomic Challeng es and to Promot e the R ule of La w at the Nationa l and
Inter nationa l Levels, and Pub lic Part icipatio n, adopt ed by the Thirteen th Unite d
Nati ons Cong ress on Crime P reventi on and C riminal Justice ,
Unit ed Nati ons, Tre aty Se ries, vols. 2 225, 2 237, 2 241 and 2326, No. 3 957 4.
Ibid. , vol. 976, N o. 1415 2.
Ibid. , vol. 1019, No. 149 56.
Ibid. , vol. 1582, No. 276 27.
Ibid. , vol. 2349, No. 421 46.
Reso lution 70/174 , a nnex.
Strengthening the United Nations crime prevention and criminal
justice programme, in particular its technical cooperation capacity
Welcomi ng Economi c and Social C ouncil resoluti on 20 18/1 6 o f 2 July 2018 o n
the follo w-up to t he Th irteenth Unit ed N ations Congr ess o n Cri me P reventi on an d
Crim inal Justic e a nd prepara tions for the Fou rteenth Un ited Natio ns Congres s o n
Crim e Prevent ion and Cr iminal J ustice, an d recalli ng that t he theme o f the Four teenth
Cong ress, t o be he ld in K yoto, J apan, from 20 to 27 April 2 020, wi ll be “Advanc ing
crim e prevent ion, crim inal just ice and th e rule of la w: towar ds the ach ievemen t of the
2030 A genda”,
Reaffirm ing its resoluti on 7 3/18 3 of 17 Dec ember 2018 on e nhancing the role
of the Co mmissio n on Crime Prevent ion and Crimi nal Ju stice in con tributin g to the
impl ementati on of t he 2030 A genda f or Susta inable Develop ment, in which Member
Stat es were encour aged to raise awaren ess abo ut the work o f the Commiss ion in the
succ essful i mplemen tation o f the 20 30 Agenda ,
Reaf firming also it s resolu tion 73 /185 of 17 Decemb er 2018 on the rule of law,
crim e preve ntion a nd crimi nal jus tice in the co ntext o f the S ustainab le Deve lopment
Goal s,
Expre ssing its gra ve c oncern abo ut t he n egative effects o f tr ansnatio nal
organ ized crime on develop ment, pea ce, stabili ty and secu rity and hum an rights,
abou t t he increas ing vulner ability of Sta tes to such cri me and about the g rowing
degr ee of penetr ation of cri minal orga nization s and their fin ancial an d economi c
reso urces in to the e conomy,
Expre ssin g con cern at the invo lvement of organ ized cri minal gro ups, as well a s
the substan tial in crease in the volume , rate of tr ansnatio nal oc currence and r ange o f
crim inal off ences r elated t o traffi cking i n precio us meta ls, s tones a nd othe r miner als
in some parts of the world, and the potenti al u se of traff icking in preciou s m etals,
stone s and other mineral s as a sourc e of f unding for org anized crime, other relevant
crim inal act ivities and terr orism,
Deep ly c oncerned ab out the growing lin ks, in s ome cases, betwe en f orms of
tran snationa l or ganized cri me a nd terrori sm, recogni zing that co untering
tran snationa l orga nized crime and te rrorism is a com mon an d shar ed re sponsibi lity,
and in t his respec t reaffirmi ng its resol ution 72 /194 of 19 D ecember 2 017 on tech nical
assis tance for impl ementin g th e in ternatio nal convent ions and proto cols related to
count er-t erro rism ,
Conv ince d that the rule of l aw an d de velopme nt ar e str ongly interre lated and
mutu ally re inforcin g and that th e adva ncement of the rule of law at the natio nal and
inter nationa l leve ls, i ncluding thro ugh cr ime p reventio n and crim inal justice
mech anisms, i s essentia l for susta ined and in clusive e conomic g rowth and sustaina ble
deve lopment and t he ful l reali zation of all human rights and fundame ntal fr eedoms,
inclu ding the right t o develo pment, a nd in thi s respec t welcomi ng the a doption of the
2030 Age nda for S ustainab le D evelopme nt,
which, inter alia , inc ludes the
comm itment to promote p eaceful an d inclusi ve societ ies for sust ainable d evelopm ent,
prov ide acc ess to jus tice for all a nd buil d effect ive, ac countab le and inc lusive
insti tutions at all levels, and i n this respect recalli ng its resolu tion 7 0/29 9 o f 29 Jul y
2016 on the follow- up and r eview o f the 20 30 Agenda at the global l evel,
Emph asiz ing that tran snation al organize d c rime must be ad dressed wi th full
respe ct for the pr inciple of the sovere ignty of State s and in acco rdance with th e rule
of l aw as pa rt of a compre hensive respons e to pro mote du rable s olutions throug h the
promo tion of human rights a nd more equitab le socio economi c condi tions,
Reso lution 70/1.

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