A/RES/73/170. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2018

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/170
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 170
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
8 Jan uary 20 19
18-222 66 (E) 100119
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da item 74 (b)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 17 December 2018
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/73/ 589/ Add.2 )]
73/170. Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full e njoyme nt
of all human rights by all
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g it s resol utions 65/222 of 21 De cember 2010, 67/173 of 20 De cember
2012 and 69/ 176 of 1 8 Decemb er 2014 , and Hu man Rig hts Coun cil reso lutions
20/1 5 of 5 Jul y 20 12,
23/ 16 of 13 J une 2013,
27/ 17 of 25 S eptembe r 20 14,
30/1 2 of 1 October 2015
and 35/4 of 2 2 June 2 017,
ent itled “P romotion of the r ight
to pe ace”,
Reca lling al so its resoluti on 39/11 of 12 No vember 1984, e ntitled “Decla ration
on t he Right of Peop les to P eace”, and the United Nations Millenn ium Dec laratio n,
Dete rmin ed to fos ter stri ct resp ect for the p urposes and pr inciples enshri ned in
the Charter of the U nited N ations,
Bear ing i n min d th at on e of the purpo ses o f the Unit ed N ations is t o ac hieve
inter nationa l coo peration in solvin g in ternatio nal p roblems of an economi c, so cial,
cultu ral or huma nitarian characte r and in prom oting and e ncourag ing respec t for
huma n rights and for fu ndament al freed oms for all witho ut distin ction as to race, s ex,
lang uage or religion ,
Unde rlin ing, in accor dance wit h the pur poses and princip les of the United
Nati ons, its f ull and ac tive sup port for t he United Nations and for t he enhanc ement of
its ro le and eff ectivene ss in str engtheni ng inter national peace an d securit y and just ice
See Off icial Records of the Gener al Asse mbly, Si xty-s eventh Sessio n, Sup plemen t No. 53 and
corr igenda (A/67/ 53, A/6 7/53 /Co rr.1 and A/67 /53 /Cor r.2), c hap. IV, s ect. A.
Ibid., Sixty-e ighth Sessio n, Supp lement No. 53 (A/ 68/5 3), c hap. V, sec t. A.
Ibid., Sixty-n inth S ession , Suppl ement No. 53A a nd corr igenda (A/69 /53/ Add .1,
A/69 /53/ Add. 1/C orr.1 an d A/69/5 3/Ad d.1/ Cor r.2), c hap. IV, s ect. A.
Ibid., Seventi eth Se ssion, Supple ment No. 53A (A /70/ 53/ Add. 1), c hap. III.
Ibid., Seventy -secon d Sess ion, S uppleme nt No . 53 (A/7 2/53 ), cha p. V, sect. A.
Resolut ion 55 /2.

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