A/RES/73/159. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2018

Resolution NumberA/RES/73/159
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /73/ 159
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
11 Ja nuary 20 19
18-222 54 (E) 150119
Seventy -third sess ion
Agen da item 73
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 17 December 2018
[on th e report of the Third Committ ee (A/73/ 588 )]
73/159. Use of mercenarie s as a m eans of viol atin g hu man rights and
impedi ng the exerci se of the right of peoples to self -determination
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g all of its pr evious res olutions o n t he subjec t, i ncludin g r esolutio n
72/1 58 of 19 Dec ember 2017 , and Hum an Rig hts Co uncil resol utions 15/1 2 of
30 Sept ember 2010,
15/2 6 of 1 O ctober 2010,
18/4 of 29 S eptembe r 2011,
21/8 of
27 Sept ember 201 2,
24 /13 o f 26 Septe mber 2013 ,
27 /10 o f 25 Septe mber 2014 ,
30/6 of 1 Octo ber 2015,
33/4 of 29 Sep tember 201 6,
36/3 of 28 Se ptember 201 7
and 3 9/5 of 27 Septemb er 2018,
as we ll as all resol utions a dopted b y t he
Comm ission on Huma n Right s in this regard,
Reca lling a lso all of its releva nt reso lutions, in wh ich, in ter alia , it c ondemned
any State that permi tted or to lerated the recrui tment, financ ing, training , ass embly,
tran sit or use of mercenar ies wit h the o bjective of ov erthrowi ng the Govern ments o f
Stat es Me mbers of the Unit ed Nat ions, especia lly tho se of devel oping countri es, or
of fighting again st nat ional l iberatio n move ments, and r ecalling furth er the releva nt
reso lutions and i nternat ional in strument s adop ted by t he Gene ral Assemb ly, the
See Off icial Records of the Gener al Asse mbly, Si xty-f ifth Se ssion, Supple ment N o. 53A
(A/65 /53/ Add. 1), chap. II.
Ibid., c hap. I.
Ibid., Sixty-s ixth S ession, Suppl ement No. 53 A an d corri gendu m (A/6 6/53 /Ad d.1 and
A/66 /53/ Add. 1/C orr.1 ), c hap. II.
Ibid., Sixty-s eventh Sessi on, Sup plemen t No. 53A (A/67/ 53/A dd. 1), chap. III.
Ibid., Sixty-e ighth Sessio n, Supp lement No. 53 A ( A/68/5 3/Ad d.1) , chap . III.
Ibid., Sixty-n inth S ession , Suppl ement No. 53A an d corr igenda (A/69 /53/ Add. 1,
A/69 /53/ Add. 1/C orr.1 an d A/69/5 3/Ad d.1/ Cor r.2), chap. IV, sect. A.
Ibid., Seventi eth Se ssion, Supple ment N o. 53A (A/70/ 53/ Add. 1), chap. III.
Ibid., Seventy -first Sessio n, Sup plemen t No. 53A and corri gendum (A/71 /53/ Add .1 a nd
A/71 /53/ Add. 1/C orr.1 ), c hap. II.
Ibid., Seventy -secon d Sess ion, S upplem ent No. 53A (A/72 /53 /Add .1) , chap. II.
Ibid., Seventy -third Sessio n, Sup plement No. 53A ( A/73/5 3/A dd.1 ), c hap. III.

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