A/RES/72/172. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2017

Resolution NumberA/RES/72/172
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
/RES /72/ 172
General Assembly
Distr. : Genera l
29 J anuary 2 018
17-229 85 (E) 01021 8
Seventy -second ses sion
Agen da item 72 (b)
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
on 19 December 2017
[on th e report of the Third Committe e (A/72/ 439/ Add.2 )]
72/172. Promotion of a democrati c and equitable i nterna tional order
The General Assembly ,
Reca llin g its pre vious res olutions on the pr omotion of a d emocrat ic an d
equi table in ternatio nal ord er, inclu ding re solution 71/1 90 of 19 De cember 2016, a nd
Huma n Rights Co uncil reso lutions 18/6 of 29 Septembe r 2011,
33/3 o f 2 9 Septem ber
and 36/4 of 28 Septe mber 20 17,
Reaffirm ing the c ommitme nt of all St ates t o fulfi l their obliga tions to pro mote
unive rsal respe ct for, and ob servance and pro tection of, all hu man ri ghts a nd
fund amental freedo ms for all, in accord ance w ith the Charte r of t he Unit ed Nati ons,
othe r instru ments re lating to huma n rights and int ernation al law,
Affirmin g that th e enha ncement of i nternat ional c ooperati on for the promoti on
and p rotectio n of all hum an rights should co ntinue to be carrie d out in ful l confor mity
with the p urposes and p rinciple s of the Cha rter and in ternatio nal la w, as se t forth in
Arti cles 1 and 2 of the Cha rter, and with fu ll respect fo r, in ter alia, sov ereignty,
terri torial i ntegrity, p olitical indepen dence, t he non -use of force or the thre at of for ce
in interna tional relatio ns an d non -interv ention in matters that are essentia lly wi thin
the d omestic jurisdi ction of any St ate,
Reca llin g the Pr eamble to t he Charte r, i n particu lar the deter minatio n to reaffir m
faith in fund amental human rights, in the d ignity a nd wort h of the human person a nd
in th e equal rights o f men a nd wome n and o f nation s large a nd smal l,
See Off icial Records of the Gener al Asse mbly, Si xty-s ixth Se ssion, Suppl ement No. 53A an d
corri gendu m (A/6 6/53 /Add .1 and A/6 6/53 /Add .1/ Corr.1 ), ch ap. II.
Ibid., Seventy -first Sessio n, Sup plemen t No. 53A and co rrigen dum (A /71 /53/ Add. 1 a nd
A/71 /53/ Add. 1/C orr.1 ), ch ap. II.
Ibid., Seventy -secon d Sess ion, S uppleme nt No . 53A (A/7 2/53 /Ad d.1), chap. III.

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