A/RES/71/272. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2016

Resolution NumberA/RES/71/272
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
18 January 2017
Seventy-first session
Agenda item 134
16-23043* (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 23 December 2016
[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/71/716)]
71/272 . Special subjects relating to the progra mme bu dget for the
bienni um 2016–2017
The General Assembly ,
Interna tional Publi c Sector Accoun ting Standar ds
Reca lling sectio n IV o f i ts r esolutio n 6 0/28 3 of 7 July 2006 , se ction V of its
resol ution 6 3/26 2 o f 24 Dec ember 2 008, its resolu tion 64 /243 of 24 Dece mber 20 09,
its r esolutio n 65/24 3 A o f 24 De cember 2 010, se ction II .B of it s resolut ion 65 /259 of
24 Dece mber 2010 , se ction I of it s res olution 6 6/23 2 B of 21 Ju ne 2 012, its
resol ution 66/246 o f 24 De cember 2011, secti on IV o f its resolu tion 6 7/24 6 of
24 Dece mber 20 12, its re solution 68/246 of 2 7 Decemb er 2013, section II of its
resol ution 6 8/24 7 A of 27 Dece mber 201 3, secti on I of i ts resol ution 6 9/26 2 of
29 Dece mber 20 14 and section I of its resoluti on 70/ 248 A of 23 Dec ember 20 15,
Havi ng considere d t he ninth progr ess report of the Secr etary-G eneral on the
adop tion of t he Intern ational Public Sector Accoun ting Sta ndards b y the Unit ed
Nati ons
and the re lated repor t o f th e A dvisory Co mmittee on Adm inistra tive and
Budg etary Q uestions ,
1. Takes note o f the re port of t he Secr etary-Ge nera l;1
2. En do rses t he c onclus ions and recom menda tions conta ined in t he re port
of t he Advi sory C ommit tee o n Admin istrati ve and Budg etary Questi ons; 2
* Reissued for technical reasons on 23 August 2017.
Special subjects relating to the programme budget for the biennium 20162017
Subvent ion to the E xtraordinary Chambers
in the Courts of Ca mbodia
Reca lling section I of its resolu tion 68/247 B of 9 April 2014, sectio n I o f its
resol ution 6 9/27 4 A of 2 April 2 015 and section IV of it s resolu tion 70 /248 A,
Havi ng consid ered the rep ort of the Se cretary-Ge neral on the request fo r a
subv ention t o the E xtraord inary Ch ambers in the Courts of Cam bodia
and the
relat ed repo rt of th e Advisory Commit tee,
1. Takes note o f the re port of t he Secr etary-Ge nera l;3
2. En dors es the conc lusions and re commend ations cont ained in the repo rt
of th e Advisor y Commi ttee;4
3. Re affi rms th e high prio rity acco rded to the w ork of the E xtraordi nary
Cham bers in the Cou rts of C ambodia ;
4. Au thor izes the S ecretar y-Genera l, as an e xception al meas ure, to en ter
into co mmitmen ts i n a n a mount not to exc eed 11 milli on United Stat es dollars to
supp lement the volunta ry f inancial reso urces of t he in ternatio nal c omponen t of the
Extr aordinar y C hambers fo r th e pe riod from 1 J anuary to 31 De cember 201 7, a nd
requ ests t he Se cretary -General to report on the u se of comm itment autho rity i n the
cont ext of t he next report;
5. En cour ages a ll Me mber States to pr ovide volunta ry sup port for bo th the
inter nationa l and nation al co mponents of the Ex traordin ary Ch ambers, and reques ts
the Secretar y-Genera l to co ntinue his int ensive e fforts t o obtai n addit ional volunta ry
cont ribution s, inc luding by broa dening the dono r ba se, fo r fun ding the future
acti vities of the Ext raordin ary Cha mbers;
Request for a subven tion to the Residual Sp ecial Court
for Sie rra Leone
Reca lling its resol ution 58/2 84 of 8 Apr il 2 004, secti on VII of its reso lution
59/2 76 of 23 De cember 200 4, s ection II o f i ts r esolutio n 59/294 of 22 June 200 5,
sect ion X II of its reso lution 65/ 259, se ction IX of it s resol ution 66/2 47 of
24 Dece mber 20 11, secti on I of i ts resol ution 6 7/24 6 an d sectio n VII of its
resol ution 7 0/24 8 A,
Havi ng con sidered the report of the S ecretar y-Genera l on the use o f the
comm itment author ity and the req uest for a subve ntion to the Residu al Spec ial
Cour t for Si erra Leo ne
and the rela ted rep ort of th e Advisor y Commi ttee,
1. Takes note o f the re port of t he Secr etary-Ge nera l;5
2. Endo rses the conclu sions and reco mmendat ions conta ined in the report
of th e Advisor y Commi ttee;6
A/71/386, Corr.1 and 2.

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