A/RES/71/209. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2016

Resolution NumberA/RES/71/209
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
13 February 2017
Seventy-first session
Agenda item 106
16-22582 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2016
[on the report of the Third Committee (A/71/485)]
71/209 . Streng thening the United Nation s crime preven tion
and cri minal justic e programme, in particular
its tec hnical cooperation capaci ty
The General Assembly ,
Reaf firmi ng its reso lutions 46/152 of 18 De cember 1991, 6 0/1 of 16 Se ptember
2005 , 67/1 of 19 Septemb er 201 2, 69/1 93 and 6 9/196 o f 18 De cember 2014, 69/281
of 28 May 2015, 70/1 of 25 Septemb er 201 5, 70/ 76 of 9 December 2015 , 70/1 20 of
14 Dece mber 2015 , 70/ 174, 70/ 175, 70/ 178 an d 70/ 182 of 17 D ecember 2015 ,
70/2 91 o f 1 July 2016, 7 0/29 9 of 29 July 2016 an d 70/30 1 of 9 Septe mber 201 6,
Reaf firming al so it s reso lutions re lating to the urgen t need to stre ngthen
inter nationa l coo peratio n and tech nical assista nce in pr omoting and faci litating the
ratif ication and imple mentati on of t he Unit ed Nati ons Con vention agains t
Trans national Organiz ed Cri me and the Pro tocols thereto ,
the Single Convent ion on
Narc otic Dru gs of 1 961 as a mended by t he 1972 Prot ocol,
the Conv ention on
Psyc hotropic Substan ces of 19 71,
the United N ations C onventio n agains t Illici t
Traffi c in N arcotic Drugs and Psy chotrop ic Subs tances of 19 88,
the United Nation s
Conv ention again st Co rruptio n
and all the intern ational conv entions and proto cols
agai nst terro rism,
Welcomi ng Econ omic and Social Coun cil r esolutio n 2 016/16 of 26 Jul y 20 16
on follo w-up to the Thirteen th U nited Natio ns C ongress o n Cr ime Prevent ion and
Crim inal Justic e a nd prepara tions for the Fo urteenth U nited Natio ns Congre ss on
Crim e P reventio n a nd Criminal Ju stice, and rec alling the imp ortance of the Do ha
Decl aration on In tegratin g Crime Prev ention and C riminal Ju stice into th e Wider
Unit ed Nati ons Age nda to Addres s Social and E conomic Challe nges an d to P romote
the Rule of Law a t the Nati onal a nd I nternati onal Levels, and Public Part icipatio n,
adop ted by t he Thirt eenth Co ngress,
United Nations, Treaty Series, vols. 2225, 2237, 2241 and 2326, No. 39574.
Ibid., vol. 976, No. 14152.
Ibid., vol. 1019, No. 14956.
Ibid., vol. 1582, No. 27627.
Ibid., vol. 2349, No. 42146.
Resolution 70/174, annex.
Strengthening the United Nations crime prevention and criminal
justice programme, in particular its technical cooperation capacity
Expre ssing its gra ve conc ern abou t th e ne gative e ffects of transn ational
organ ized crime on de velopme nt, p eace, stabilit y and secur ity a nd hu man ri ghts, at
the increas ing vul nerabili ty of States to such crime and ab out th e growi ng degr ee of
pene tration o f criminal organiza tions and t heir fi nancial a nd econo mic resour ces
into the eco nomy,
Expre ssing concer n at the invo lvement of organ ized crimina l gr oups, as well
as the sub stantial incre ase in the v olume, rate o f trans national occur rence and ran ge
of cri minal offen ces relate d to traffic king in prec ious meta ls and stone s in some
part s of t he wor ld, and the p otential use of traf ficking in pre cious metals and st ones
as a sourc e o f f unding for org anized cri me, other rele vant crimin al activiti es and
terro rism,
Deep ly c oncerne d a bout the growin g li nks, in some cases, bet ween forms of
tran snationa l organ ized cr ime an d terr orism, and recogn izing that count ering
tran snationa l organiz ed crim e and te rrorism is a co mmon and shared respons ibility,
Conv ince d that the rule of l aw an d de velopme nt a re st rongly inter related and
mutu ally re inforcin g and that t he adva ncement of th e rule of la w at t he nati onal a nd
inter nationa l leve ls, in cluding thro ugh c rime p reventi on an d crim inal j ustice
mech anisms, is ess ential for sus tained and inc lusive eco nomic g rowth and
sust ainable d evelopm ent and t he full r ealizati on of all hu man rig hts and
fund amental fre edoms, inc luding the right to d evelop ment, and in this respe ct
welc oming the adoptio n of the 2030 Agenda for Susta inable Devel opment,
whi ch,
inter alia , incl udes the c ommitm ent to pro mote p eaceful and inclus ive s ocieties for
sust ainable de velopme nt, p rovide acc ess t o jus tice f or al l and build effe ctive,
acco untable and incl usive institu tions at all levels, and in this respe ct r ecalling its
resol ution 70 /29 9 on follo w-up and review o f the 203 0 Agend a for Sus tainable
Deve lopment at the globa l lev el, in w hich it e ncourag ed co herence of the Gener al
Asse mbly a nd its Main C ommitt ees, th e Econ omic a nd Soc ial Cou ncil, the
spec ialized age ncies a nd the func tional com missions of th e Coun cil, an d other
inter governme ntal bo dies an d forum s with the work of the high -level po litical forum
on s ustainab le devel opment towards the fol low-up and rev iew of t he impl ementat ion
of the 20 30 A genda for Su stainabl e De velopme nt an d ca lled for avoi ding
dupl icati on,
Emph asiz ing th at transna tional orga nized crim e must be addre ssed with fu ll
respe ct for the pr inciple of the sover eignty o f State s and in acco rdance with t he rule
of l aw as p art of a compr ehensiv e respon se to p romote durable solutio ns thro ugh the
promo tion of human rights a nd more equitab le socio economi c condi tions,
Enco urag ing Memb er Sta tes to deve lop an d impl ement, as a ppropria te,
comp rehensiv e crime prev ention pol icies, nati onal and lo cal strate gies and acti on
plan s based on a n unde rstandin g of the mul tiple factors that c ontribut e to crime a nd
to addres s such fact ors in a h olistic manne r, in close coop eration with all
stake holders , in cluding ci vil socie ty, a nd in th is respe ct stre ssing that s ocial
deve lopment shou ld be an integ ral el ement of strategi es to fos ter c rime preventi on
and economic develo pment i n all St ates,
Reaf firming its co mmitmen t an d st rong politi cal will in suppor t of eff ective,
fair, hu mane and acc ountabl e cr iminal ju stice syst ems and th e in stitutio ns
comp rising them, e ncourag ing the effecti ve parti cipatio n and i nclusion of al l sector s
of society, thus c reating the c onditio ns nee ded to advan ce the wider United Natio ns
Resolution 70/1.

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