A/RES/71/190. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2016

Resolution NumberA/RES/71/190
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
2 February 2017
Seventy-first session
Agenda item 68 (b)
16-21996 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2016
[on the report of the Third Committee (A/71/484/Add.2)]
71/190. Pro motion of a democrat ic and equitable
international order
The General Assembly ,
Reca lling i ts pre vious reso lutions on the prom otion of a democ ratic and
equi table in ternatio nal ord er, incl uding r esolutio n 70/ 149 of 17 D ecember 2015, and
Huma n Right s C ouncil r esolutio ns 18/6 of 29 Septemb er 2011
and 33/3 of
29 Sept ember 2 016,
Reaf firmi ng the co mmitmen t of all St ates to fulfil their obliga tions to pro mote
unive rsal respe ct for, an d obse rvance and prote ction of, all hum an ri ghts a nd
fund amental freedo ms for all, i n accor dance with th e Chart er of the Un ited Na tions,
othe r instru ments re lating to huma n rights and int ernation al law,
Affi rming th at the enhan cement of i nternati onal c ooperati on for the promoti on
and pr otection of all hu man right s sho uld contin ue to be ca rried out in fu ll
confo rmity with t he pur poses a nd pri nciples of th e Char ter a nd int ernatio nal law, as
set for th in Articl es 1 and 2 of the Ch arter, and wi th full resp ect for, inter a lia,
sove reignty, territo rial i ntegrity, politi cal i ndepend ence, the non-use of force or the
thre at of force i n interna tional rel ations an d non-in terventi on in matt ers that ar e
esse ntially within t he domes tic juri sdiction of any State,
Reca lling t he Pre amble to the Char ter, in parti cular the dete rminatio n to
reaff irm f aith in fu ndament al hu man rights, in the dignity and worth of the human
perso n and i n the eq ual rig hts of m en and women a nd of na tions la rge and small,
Reaf firmi ng th at every one is en titled to a social and inte rnationa l order i n
whic h the righ ts and fre edoms se t forth in the Univ ersal Dec laration of Human
Righ ts
can be full y realiz ed,
Reaf firming also t he dete rminatio n expr essed i n the P reamble to th e Chart er to
save succ eeding genera tions from the s courge of w ar, to estab lish c onditio ns und er
whic h just ice an d resp ect fo r the obligat ions arising from treatie s and other source s
See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 53A and corrigendum
(A/66/53/Add.1 and Corr.1), chap. II.
Ibid., Seventy-first Session, Supplement No. 53A and corrigendum (A/71/53/Add.1 and Corr.1), chap. II.
Resolution 217 A (III).

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