A/RES/70/174. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2015

Resolution NumberA/RES/70/174
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations A/RES/70/174
General Assembly Distr.: General
8 January 2016
Seventieth session
Agenda item 106
15-16928 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 17 December 2015
[on the report of the Third Committee (A/70/490)]
70/174. Thirtee nth Uni ted Nations Co ngress o n Crime Prevention
and Criminal J ustice
The Genera l Assem bly
Emp has izin g
the r espons ibility ass umed by the U nited Nati ons i n th e fi eld o f
crim e pre vention and crimin al jus tice i n purs uance of E conomi c and Socia l Coun cil
reso lution 155 C (VII) of 1 3 August 1948 and General Asse mbly r esolut ion 41 5 (V)
of 1 Decem ber 19 50,
Ackn ow ledg ing
that th e United Na tions co ngresse s on crime p reventi on and
crim inal justic e, a s m ajor intergo vernme ntal forums , h ave infl uenced n ationa l
poli cies and pr actices an d pr omoted inte rnatio nal c oopera tion in that fi eld b y
faci litatin g t he excha nge of view s and exper ience, mo bilizin g public op inion an d
reco mmend ing pol icy opt ions at the na tional, regio nal and intern ational levels ,
Reca lli ng
its resol ution 46/1 52 of 18 Dece mber 1991 , i n t he a nnex to whic h
Mem ber Sta tes aff irmed that th e Unit ed Nat ions co ngress es on crime prevent ion an d
crim inal just ice shoul d be held eve ry five yea rs and shou ld provid e a forum for ,
inte r ali a, th e ex change o f vi ews b etween Stat es, inte rgovern mental and
non- govern mental o rganiza tions an d ind ividual exp erts repr esenti ng va rious
prof ession s and discip lines, the ex change of e xperien ces in resea rch, l aw and poli cy
deve lopmen t, and t he ide ntifica tion of emerg ing tre nds an d issu es in cri me
prev ention and cr iminal justice ,
Reca lling also
its resolu tion 57/27 0 B of 23 June 20 03 o n t he i ntegrat ed and
coor dinated impl ementat ion of and follo w-up t o the outc omes o f majo r Unit ed
Nati ons con ference s and sum mits in t he econo mic and social f ields, in which it
stre ssed that all c ountri es sh ould promot e po licies consi stent and cohere nt wi th th e
com mitment s of the maj or Unite d Nation s c onfere nces and s ummits , emphas ized
that th e Uni ted Na tions sys tem ha d an imp ortant re sponsib ility to ass ist
Gove rnment s to stay ful ly eng aged in t he fol low-up to a nd imp lement ation of
agre ements and comm itment s reac hed at the maj or Un ited Nations conf erence s and
sum mits and invite d the int ergover nmenta l bo dies of t he U nited Natio ns s ystem to
furt her promo te the imple mentati on of the outc omes of the maj or United N ations
conf erence s and s ummits ,
Reca lli ng
furt her
it s reso lution 69/ 191 of 18 D ecembe r 2014 , in whic h it
requ ested the Com missio n o n C rime Preve ntion and Cri minal Just ice to give high
prio rity at it s twe nty-fou rth s ession to conside ring the d eclara tion of the Thi rteenth
A/RES/70/174 Thirteenth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
Unit ed N ations Congr ess o n Cri me Pr eventio n and Crim inal Justice , wit h a view to
reco mmend ing, th rough the E conomi c and Social Counc il, ap propria te fol low-up by
the Genera l Assemb ly at i ts seve ntieth session ,
Bea ring in mind
its resol ution 6 7/1 of 24 Sep tember 2012 on the declar ation of
the high -level mee ting of the Genera l As sembl y on the rul e of la w at the nat ional
and inte rnation al le vels and its r esoluti on 6 9/195 of 18 Dec ember 2014 on the rule
of law, cr ime preve ntion an d crimina l justice i n the Unite d Nations d evelop ment
agen da bey ond 20 15,
Bea ring in mind als o
i ts re solutio n 69/ 244 o f 29 Decemb er 20 14 on the
orga nizatio n of th e Uni ted Natio ns s ummit for the ad option of th e pos t-2015
deve lopmen t agen da,
Taking into ac count
Ec onomic and Soci al Counc il reso lution 2 014/22 o f 16 Ju ly
2014 on the Th irteenth C ongress and the post-201 5 develop ment age nda and th e
repor t of th e Exec utive Di rector of the United Nations Office on Drug s and Crime o n
the contri bution of the Thirt eenth Co ngress to th e discu ssions on th e post- 2015
devel opment a genda, sub mitted to the Cong ress purs uant to t hat resolu tion,
of the pr esident ial summ ary of the hi gh-leve l themat ic debate o f t he
Gene ral Assem bly on integ rating crim e pre ventio n and cri minal just ice i n the
post -2015 develop ment a genda, held in New York on 25 Februa ry 2015 ,
Aware als o
of the repor t o f th e S ecretar y-Gene ral entitle d “Follow -up to the
Salv ador De clarati on on Com prehens ive Strat egies fo r Global Challen ges: Cri me
Prev ention and Cr iminal Justice System s and Th eir Deve lopmen t in a Cha nging
World ”,
Enc oura ged
by the succ ess of the Thir teenth Co ngress as on e o f the larges t
and most diver se fo rums for t he ex change of views on a nd ex perienc es in rese arch,
law and policy and progra mme develop ment betwee n Stat es, in tergove rnment al an d
non- govern mental o rganiza tions an d ind ividual exp erts repr esenti ng va rious
prof ession s and d iscipli nes,
Hav ing co nsidere d
th e rep ort of the Thirt eenth Cong ress
and the relat ed
reco mmend ations made b y the C ommiss ion at its twe nty-fo urth se ssion,
Exp resses i ts sati sfactio n
wit h the resul ts achi eved b y the T hirtee nth
Unit ed Nations Co ngress on Cri me P revent ion and Crimin al J ustice, he ld i n D oha
from 12 to 19 April 20 15, incl uding t he Doha D eclara tion on I ntegrat ing Cri me
Prev ention and Cri minal Justic e in to th e Wid er U nited Natio ns A genda to Addre ss
Soci al and Econo mic Challe nges and to Prom ote the Rule of Law at the Na tional
and Intern ational Levels , and Public Partici pation, adopt ed at t he high -level segme nt
of t he Thir teenth Congre ss;
Takes note wi th app reciatio n
of the rep ort of the Thi rteenth Congr ess;
Exp resses its apprecia tion
to the U nited Na tions Of fice on Dr ugs and
Cri me for the wo rk done in th e prepar ations for a nd follo w-up to the T hirtee nth
Con gress, and exte nds it s than ks to the insti tutes of t he Uni ted Na tions crime
1 A/CONF.222/5.
2 A/CONF.222/15.
3 A/CONF.222/3.
4 A/CONF.222/17.
5 See Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2015, Supplement No. 10 (E/2015/30).

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