A/RES/69/315. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2015

Resolution NumberA/RES/69/315
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations A/RES/69/315
General Assembly Distr.: General
15 September 2015
Sixty-ninth session
Agenda items 13 (a) and 115
15-14801 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 1 September 2015
[without reference to a Main Committee (A/69/L.85)]
69/315. Draft o utcome documen t of the United Nations summit
for the adoptio n of the post-2015 development agenda
The Genera l Assem bly
Reca lli ng
its re solutio n 69/244 of 29 De cember 2014, by which it d ecided ,
inte r ali a, t hat the U nited N ations s ummit f or t he a doptio n of t he p ost-20 15
deve lopmen t ag enda will be held from 25 to 2 7 Septe mber 2015 in New York , and
conv ened a s a hig h-level plenar y meet ing of the Ge neral As sembly,
Reca lling also
its decis ion 69 /555 o f 16 Ja nuary 2015 o n the modalit ies for the
proc ess of intergo vernme ntal ne gotiati ons on the po st-201 5 devel opment agenda ,
Welcom es
t he su ccessfu l con clusion of the n egotiat ions on th e pos t-2015
deve lopmen t ag enda and the outco me d ocumen t en titled “Tran sformi ng o ur w orld:
the 2030 Agend a for Sust ainabl e Dev elopme nt”, which was agreed by consens us at
the informa l meet ing of the ple nary o n 2 Augu st 2015 ;
Dec ides
to tra nsmit the outcom e docume nt entit led “Tran sformin g our
worl d: the 203 0 Agend a for Sust ainabl e Develo pment”, which is a nnexed t o the
pres ent re solutio n, to t he Gene ral As sembly at its sevent ieth s ession for acti on
duri ng the Unite d N ations su mmit for the ado ption of the pos t-2015 de velopm ent
agen da to b e held from 2 5 to 2 7 Septe mber 2 015.
101 st plen ary me eting
1 Se ptembe r 2015
Transforming our worl d: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainab le
Preamb le
This Agen da is a pl an of actio n for people , plan et an d pros perity. It als o see ks
to stre ngthen unive rsal p eace in larg er fre edom. We rec ognize th at era dicatin g
pove rty in all its forms and dime nsions , in cluding ext reme pove rty, i s th e gr eatest
glob al chal lenge and an indispe nsable requir ement for sus tainabl e devel opment .
Draft outcome document of the United Nations summit
for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda
All coun tries a nd all stak eholde rs, acti ng in c ollabor ative p artner ship, wi ll
impl ement thi s p lan. We are resolv ed to free the hum an race from the t yranny of
pove rty and want and t o he al an d sec ure our p lanet. We a re de termin ed to tak e the
bold and tra nsforma tive steps whic h ar e urg ently neede d to shi ft th e wo rld o n to a
sust ainable and re silient path . As we emb ark on t his collect ive j ourney, we pledg e
that no one will b e left behind.
The 17 Sus tainabl e Dev elopme nt Go als a nd 169 targe ts wh ich w e are
anno uncing today demon strate the s cale a nd amb ition o f this new univers al Age nda.
The y see k to build on the Mille nnium Devel opment Goa ls an d co mplete what the y
did not achiev e. T hey s eek t o rea lize t he h uman rights of all a nd to achi eve g ender
equa lity and the emp owerme nt of all women a nd girl s. They a re integ rated a nd
indi visible an d b alance th e th ree di mensio ns o f sust ainable de velopm ent: th e
econ omic, social and env ironme ntal.
The Goal s an d tar gets will stimul ate a ction over the next 15 ye ars in ar eas of
crit ical imp ortanc e for humanit y and the pla net.
We ar e dete rmined to e nd po verty and hung er, in all thei r form s and
dime nsions , and to ensure that all human bein gs ca n ful fil t heir p otenti al in digni ty
and equalit y and in a he althy e nviron ment.
We are deter mined to prote ct the planet fro m d egrada tion, inclu ding throu gh
sust ainable cons umptio n and produ ction, susta inably manag ing i ts nat ural r esourc es
and taki ng u rgent action on clim ate c hange, so that it can suppor t th e ne eds o f th e
pres ent and futur e gener ations.
Prosper ity
We are determi ned to e nsure that all huma n bei ngs can enjoy pros perous and
fulf illing li ves a nd th at eco nomic, soci al an d tec hnolog ical p rogres s occ urs i n
har mony wi th natu re.
We are dete rmined to fo ster peac eful, jus t a nd inclus ive socie ties whic h a re
free from fear a nd vio lence. There can be no su staina ble de velopme nt wit hout p eace
and no pea ce with out sus tainab le deve lopmen t.
Partne rship
We are determi ned to m obiliz e the mea ns r equire d to impl ement this Age nda
thro ugh a revital ized Globa l P artners hip for Susta inable De velopme nt, based on a
spir it of stren gthene d global s olidari ty, focuse d in partic ular on th e needs of t he
poor est a nd mos t vul nerable a nd wi th the p articip ation of all coun tries, all
stak eholde rs and all peo ple.
The inter linkage s and inte grated nature of the S ustaina ble D evelop ment Goals
are of cruc ial imp ortanc e in e nsuring that t he pur pose o f the n ew Age nda is realize d.
If we rea lize o ur am bitions acro ss the full extent of t he Age nda, the li ves of all will
be p rofoun dly imp roved and our world will b e trans formed for th e bette r.
Draft outcome document of the United Nations summit
for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda A/RES/69/315
Introd uction
1. We, t he He ads o f Stat e and Gove rnment and High Repres entativ es, m eeting at
Unit ed Natio ns Headq uarter s in New York f rom 25 to 2 7 Septe mber 201 5 as the
Orga nizatio n ce lebrate s its seve ntieth a nnivers ary, h ave d ecided toda y on new
glob al Sust ainabl e Devel opment Goals .
2. On beha lf o f th e pe oples we serve , we hav e a dopted a histor ic d ecisio n on a
comp rehens ive, far-rea ching and people -centred set of univers al an d tra nsforma tive
Goa ls an d ta rgets. We com mit ours elves to wo rking tir elessl y for the fu ll
impl ementa tion of this A genda by 203 0. We rec ognize that e radicat ing po verty i n all
its forms a nd dim ension s, incl uding e xtreme povert y, is the gr eatest global challen ge
and an ind ispens able r equirem ent fo r susta inable devel opment . We are commi tted t o
achi eving sust ainabl e d evelop ment in its three di mension s – ec onomic , so cial and
envi ronmen tal – in a balan ced and integra ted manner. We will also build upo n th e
achi evemen ts of th e Mill ennium Deve lopmen t Goa ls and seek to a ddress their
unfi nished busine ss.
3. We re solve, betwe en no w and 2030, to en d pove rty an d hun ger ev erywhe re; to
comb at ine qualit ies wi thin a nd amo ng co untries ; to build p eaceful , just a nd
incl usive so cieties; t o protec t human ri ghts and p romote g ender eq uality an d the
empo werme nt of women and girls; and t o ensu re the lasti ng pro tection of t he pla net
and its natur al res ources . We re solve als o to crea te con ditions for sus tainab le,
incl usive and su stained econo mic gr owth, shared prosp erity a nd dec ent wo rk for all,
taki ng into accou nt diffe rent le vels o f natio nal dev elopme nt and capaci ties.
4. As we embark on this great col lective jour ney, w e pl edge that no o ne w ill b e
left be hind. Reco gnizing th at the dignit y o f th e h uman pers on is f undame ntal, we
wish to s ee the Goals and targ ets me t for all natio ns and peopl es and for all
segm ents o f socie ty. And we will e ndeavo ur to r each th e furt hest be hind fir st.
5. This is an Agenda of unpr ecedent ed s cope and signifi cance. It is accepte d by
all count ries a nd is appl icable to a ll, ta king into account diffe rent nationa l rea lities,
capa cities and levels of d evelop ment and re spectin g nat ional policie s and prio rities.
Thes e are unive rsal g oals a nd targ ets wh ich in volve the e ntire world, develo ped a nd
deve loping count ries al ike. T hey are integ rated a nd ind ivisibl e and balanc e the t hree
dime nsions of sus tainabl e deve lopmen t.
6. The Goal s and ta rgets are the res ult of o ver two year s of int ensive p ublic
consu ltation an d engagem ent with ci vil societ y and other stakehold ers around the
world , w hich pai d p articular atten tion to the v oices of the po orest a nd m ost
vulne rable. Th is consul tation inc luded val uable wo rk done b y the Op en Working
Group of the General Assembl y on Su stainable Develop ment Goa ls and by the U nited
Natio ns, whose Secretar y-Genera l provide d a synthe sis repor t in Dece mber 2014 .
Our vi sion
7. In t hese G oals an d targe ts, we are set ting ou t a sup remely ambit ious an d
tran sformat ional visi on. We e nvisage a wor ld free of povert y, hunge r, d isease and
want , where all life can thri ve. We env isage a worl d free of fear an d violen ce.
A wor ld with univer sal lite racy. A wor ld with equita ble and univer sal acc ess to
qual ity e ducati on at all level s, to heal th c are a nd so cial protect ion, where phys ical,
ment al a nd s ocial well -being are as sured. A wor ld w here we rea ffirm our
com mitment s r egardi ng t he human righ t t o s afe drinki ng water and sani tation and
wher e the re is impr oved hygien e; an d whe re fo od is suffi cient, safe, affor dable and

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