A/RES/69/251. Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly, 2014

Resolution NumberA/RES/69/251
IssuerGeneral Assembly of the United Nation
United Nations
General Assembly
Distr.: General
20 February 2015
Sixty-ninth session
Agenda item 139
14-68103 (E)
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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 29 December 2014
[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/69/683)]
69/251. United Nations common system: report of the
International Civil Service Commission
The Genera l Assem bly
Reca lling
its resol utions 44/198 of 21 Decem ber 19 89, 51 /216 o f 18 D ecembe r
1996 , 52 /216 of 2 2 Dece mber 199 7, 53 /209 of 18 Decem ber 1998 , 55 /223 of
23 D ecembe r 2000, 5 6/244 o f 24 De cember 2 001, 57 /285 of 2 0 Dece mber 200 2,
58/2 51 of 23 Dec ember 2003, 59/268 of 23 Decemb er 200 4, 60/ 248 of 23 De cember
2005 , 61 /239 of 22 Decem ber 2006 , 62 /227 of 22 Decemb er 2 007, 63/ 251 of
24 D ecembe r 2008, 6 4/231 o f 22 De cember 2 009, 65 /248 of 2 4 Dece mber 201 0,
66/2 35 A of 24 De cember 2011, 66/235 B of 21 Ju ne 201 2, 67 /257 o f 12 Ap ril 20 13
and 68/2 53 of 27 Decem ber 20 13 and i ts decis ions 67 /551 an d 6 7/552 A o f
24 D ecembe r 2012 ,
Hav ing consi dered
the repo rt of the Inte rnation al Civil Ser vice Com missio n
for the yea r 2014,
Rea ffirming its com mitme nt
to a sing le, unifi ed Unite d Na tions co mmon
syst em as the corners tone for the reg ulation and co ordina tion of the condit ions of
serv ice of the Uni ted Na tions c ommon system ,
Takes no te wi th ap preciat ion
o f the work of the Inte rnation al Ci vil
Serv ice Co mmissi on;
Takes note
of the rep ort of the Co mmissi on for the yea r 2014 ;
the role of the G eneral Ass embly in app roving co ndition s o f
serv ice and entitl ements for a ll staff servin g in the organi zations of the United
Nati ons comm on system , bearing i n m ind artic les 10 an d 11 o f t he statut e o f the
Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 30 (A/69/30).
Resolution 3357 (XXIX), annex.

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