Registration of BBNJ Research Activities: A Move towards Transparency in Research Governance

AuthorMary George & Anneliz R. George
Registration of BBNJ Research Activities 121
XI JEAIL 1 (2018)
Mary George
& Anneliz R. George
The Prep Com recommended in July that the UNGA initiate a negotiating conference
on areas beyond national jurisdiction. It is widely expected to make such a decision.
Then, the long haul negotiation will begin. The 1982 UN Convention on the Law
of the Sea does not regulate marine genetic resources in areas beyond the national
jurisdiction of States (BBNJ). Part XIII of the Convention could accommodate BBNJ
research, but not its governance. The triangulation of three factors- the interim absence
of an international framework for governance of BBNJ research, an indirect reference
     
interim laissez- faire attitude in BBNJ exploration and exploitation-leads to a need
for transparency in governance of BBNJ research activities. To address this lacuna, a
United Nations Register on BBNJ Research Activities is recommended, encouraging
scientists from all regions including Asia to engage in BBNJ research.
Governance, Marine Scientific Research of Bbnj, UNCLOS, Deep
Seabed Area, Registration Convention
Corresponding Author. Head of the Law and Policy Unit, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences; Professor at Faculty of
Law of the University of Malaya. LL.B. (Univ. of Bangalore, India), LL.M. (LSE), Ph.D. (Sydney). ORCID: https://orcid.
org/0000-0003-1233-0835. The views expressed here are independent of the Bar Council of Malaysia. The author may be
contacted at: / Address: Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
∗∗ Special Projects Executive officer for the Bar Council of Malaysia. B.Ec. (Sydney), LL.B. (Sydney), M.Ec. (Malaya).
The author may be contacted at:
Registration of BBNJ
Research Activities: A Move
towards Transparency in
Research Governance

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