Recommended Readings From IMF Publications

IMF Research Bulletin
10 10
capital outows from China su ggest a search for yield or safe
haven as China is rebala ncing its growth model and as the
role of the renminbi in global t ransactions has increased.
Shis in production patter ns as wages rise in China and
changing demographic t rends oer SSA new opportunities
for growth and invest ment. By 2035 the number of people
entering the working age popul ation in SSA will exceed
that of the rest of the world combined. With t he appropriate
supportive policies that foster i nvestment in human capital
and job creation, the chal lenge for SSA will be to harness this
demographic dividend. 
For more information on these t itles and other IMF publication s, please visit www.imfbooks
Women, Work, and Economic Growth: Leveling the Playing Field
edited by Kalpana Kochar, Sonali Jain-Chandra, and Monique Newiak
2017. 347pp. Paperback ISBN 978-1-5135-610-3
A Short Excerpt from the Overview:
“The challenges of promoting growth, creating jobs, and improving women’s participation in the
labor force are closely intertwined. Economic growth and stability are necessary to broaden
women’s employment opportunities, but at the same time, their participation in the labor market is
an important driver of growth and stability. In rapidly aging economies in particular, higher female
labor force participation can mitigate the negative impact of a shrinking workforce on potential
growth. Greater opportunities for women can also contribute to broader economic development,
for instance through higher levels of school enrollment, including for girls, given that women are
likely to invest more of their income in educating their children. Implementing policies that remove
labor market distortions and level the playing eld for all will give women more opportunities to
develop their potential and to participate in economic life more fully should they choose to do so.
To access the book online, visit
Also of Interest
Unlocking Female Unemployment in Europe
by Lone Christiansen, Huidan Lin, Joana Pereira, Petia Topalova, and Rima Turk,
under the guidance of Petya Koeva Brooks
2016. 41 pp. Paperback ISBN 978-1-51356-251-3
Seven Questions on China-Africa relations (continued)

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