Recommended Readings from IMF Publications

Mar ch 2 016
Africa on the M ove: Unlocking the Pote ntial of Small M iddle-Incom e States
Lamin Leigh and Ali M ansoor
$30 Paperback ISBN 978-1-51358-860-5
“A timely book on a set of countries—small middle-incom e countries (SMICS)—in Africa
whose unique challenges and op portunities often do not receive enough attention in
discussions of Af rican development. The book ef fectively blends rigorous theory, econometric s,
and practitioners’ insights to come up with prac tical recommendations on several important
macroeconomic and stru ctural issues that policymakers should f ind very useful.”
Yaw Ansu, Chief Economist, A frican Center for Economic Transformation, Accra, Ghana
Building Integrated Economies in West Africa:
Lessons in Managing Growth, Inclusiveness, and Volatility
Alexei P. Kireyev
$40 Paperback ISBN 978-1-51351-183-2
e West African Economic and Monetar y Union (WAEMU) has reached an impor tant
milestone in its development and now needs to advance to t he next level by bringing its
member countries closer to the stat us of emerging market economies. e monetary
union has a long and varied h istory. is book examines how the WAEMU can achieve its
development and stability objectives , improve the livelihood of its citizens, and enha nce the
inclusiveness of its economic growth wh ile preserving its nancia l stability, enhancing its
competitiveness, and mai ntaining its current xed exchange rates .
The Quest for Re gional Integra tion in the Eas t African Commun ity
Oral Williams
$35 Paperback ISBN 978-1-48436-441-3
e countries in the Ea st African Community (EAC) are among the fa stest growing
economies in sub-Saha ran Africa. e EAC countries are mak ing signicant progress
toward nancial integ ration, including harmonization of superv isory arrangements and
practices and the moder nization of monetary policy fra meworks. is book focuses on
regional integration in t he EAC and argues that the establishment of a ti me table for
eliminating t he sensitive-products list and establishing a supra national legal framework for
resolving trade d isputes are important reforms that should foster regional integ ration.
Also of Intere st:
Making Senegal a Hub for West Africa
Evolving Trends in Banking in Sub-Saharan Afr ica: Key Features and Challenges
On Drivers of Inf lation in Sub-Saharan Africa
For more informatio n on these titles and other I MF publications, please vis it www.imfbookstore.o rg/rb

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