Presidential Statement nº S/PRST/2015/23 of the United Nations Security Council

IssuerSecurity Council of the United Nation
United Nations
/PRST /20 15/2 3*
Security Council
Distr. : Genera l
25 N ovember 2015
Orig inal: En glish
15-2084 0* (E) 130116
Statement by the President of the Security Council
At the 75 68th me eting of the Securit y Counc il, hel d on 25 November 2015, in
connec tion w ith the Counc il’s consid eration of the ite m enti tled “Pr otection of
civilia ns in ar med confl ict”, the President of the Security Council made the following
statem ent on beha lf of the C ouncil:
“The Securi ty Cou ncil r eaffirms its commitmen t rega rding the p rotection
of civilians in ar med conf lict, an d to the con tinuing and ful l imple mentation of
all its previous relev ant r esolutions includ ing 1 265 ( 1999), 1296 (2000), 1674
(2006) , 1738 (2006 ), 1894 (20 09), and 222 2 (2015) , as well as all of its
resolu tions on Women, Peac e an d Se curity, Children and Armed Con flict and
Peacek eeping, and all releva nt statement s of its Pr esident.
“The Secur ity Counc il express es its o utrage th at civilia ns contin ue to
accoun t for the vast majorit y of c asualties in situa tions of armed conflict and at
the va rious shor t and long term impa cts that c onflict co ntinues to have on
civilia ns, inclu ding for ced displ acement, and damag e to a nd destru ction of
civilia n property and liveliho ods.
“The Securi ty Co uncil reaffirms its strong condemna tion o f viol ations of
interna tional humani tarian law commi tted by all parties to arme d conflict, as
well as violations and abuse s of interna tional human rights law, as ap plicable,
and calls upon all parties to comply wit h thei r leg al ob ligations. The Securit y
Counci l r ecalls the import ance of e nsuring co mpliance with i nternationa l
human itarian law and inte rnational huma n rights law, e nding i mpunity for
violati ons and ab uses, and e nsuring acc ountability.
“The Se curity Counc il un derscores the impo rtance it atta ches t o the
Protec tion of Civilians as one of the core iss ues on its agend a, and e xpresses its
intenti on to continue ad dressing thi s issue regular ly, both in cou ntry-spe cific
consid erations and as a them atic item.
“The Se curity Counc il recognise s the contrib ution of the updated Ai de
Memoi re for the cons ideration of issu es perta ining to the pr otection of civili ans
in arm ed conflict ,** contai ned in the annex to t his stateme nt, to the protection of
civilia ns, and as a practical tool th at provid es a b asis for improved analysis and
diagno sis of key prote ction issue s, and stresses the need to conti nue its use on a
more s ystematic a nd consiste nt basis.
* Reissu ed for te chnical r easons on 11 Januar y 2016.
** The in itial Aide Memoire w as adopte d on 15 M arch 2002 in S/P RST/2 002/6.
“The Secu rity Council take s n ote of with apprecia tion the report of the
Secret ary-Ge neral on the protecti on of civilians in armed co nflict of 18 June
2015 (S/2 015/4 53) and the rec ommendatio ns contained ther ein, and reiterates
the ne ed for syst ematic moni toring and reporting on the prot ection of c ivilians in
armed co nflict, a nd the chal lenges a nd pr ogress made in this rega rd. The
Securi ty Counci l requests the Sec retary-Gen eral to submit hi s next re port on the
protec tion of civil ians in armed conf lict b y 15 May 2016 and t o subm it fut ure
report s eve ry 1 2 mo nths thereafter, to be formall y co nsidered by the Secur ity
Counci l each year within the same Gene ral Assembly s ession.”
Aide Memoire
For the consi deration of issues pert aining to the protection of civilians in
armed conflict
Enha ncing the prot ection of civi lians in arme d c onflict is at the core of the
work of the Uni ted Nati ons Secu rity Coun cil for th e mainte nance of peace an d
secur ity. In orde r to facili tate the C ouncil’s consid eration of protect ion o f civ ilians
conc erns in a give n conte xt, incl uding a t the t ime of the est ablishm ent or rene wal of
peac ekeeping mandate s, in June 2 001, Coun cil Memb ers sugge sted that a n A ide
Memo ire, list ing the rel evant iss ues, be dr afted in c ooperati on with th e Council
(S/200 1/6 14). On 15 M arch 20 02, the Coun cil ado pted the Aide Mem oire as a
prac tical guide for its consid eration of protec tion of civilian s iss ues and agreed to
revi ew a nd update its cont ents period ically (S/ PRS T/20 02/6 ). It was sub sequentl y
upda ted t wice and adopted as anne x to Pres idential Stat ement S/PR ST/ 200 3/27 on
15 Dece mber 2003 , a nd Preside ntial State ment S/P RST /201 0/25 of 22 Nove mber
2010 .
This is the sixt h ed ition of the Aide Memoi re a nd is b ased on the Counci l’s
prev ious del iberatio ns on th e protec tion of civil ians, in cluding resol utions 1 265
(199 9), 12 96 (20 00), 1 674 (2 006), 1738 ( 2006), 1894 (2009) and 2 222 ( 2015). It is
the resu lt of c onsulta tion be tween t he Secu rity Co uncil a nd the Offi ce for the
Coor dination of Hu manitari an Affairs (OCHA) , as w ell as b etween OCH A and
conc erned United Na tions depart ments and agenci es, and o ther rel evant
huma nitarian organiz ations.
The Aid e Me moire is i ntended t o fa cilitate t he Se curity Co uncil’s
cons ideratio n of issue s rel evant to t he p rotectio n of civil ians in ar med conflict . To
this end, it hi ghlights prima ry ob jectives for Securit y Cou ncil a ction; offers, on t he
basi s of the Secur ity Counc il’s past pr actice, sp ecific is sues for con siderati on in
meet ing thos e objecti ves; and provide s, in the addend um, a sel ection o f agreed
lang uage fr om Se curity Council resolu tions a nd pre sidentia l state ments that re fer to
such concern s.
Bear ing in mind tha t e ach peace keeping ma ndate has to be e laborate d o n a
case -by-case basis , the Aide M emoire is not in tended as a bluepr int fo r acti on. Th e
relev ance and pract icality of the vari ous measur es d escribed ha s to be con sidered
and adapted to the s pecific conditio ns in e ach si tuation.
Most f requentl y civilian s are caught i n circumst ances of dir e need wher e a
peac ekeeping op eration has no t b een establi shed. Such sit uations ma y re quire the
Coun cil’s ur gent at tention . This Aide Me moire may, t herefor e, also provi de
guid ance in circumst ances where the Coun cil may wish to consider act ion outside
the scope of a peace keeping operati on.

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