Prerequisites for a major hazard control system

4. Prerequisites for a major hazard control system
4.1. General
4.1.1. The prerequisites for the operation of a major hazard control system are:
(a) manpower, within industry as well as within the competent authorities, including
external expertise if necessary;
(b) equipment;
(c) information sources.
4.2. Manpower requirements
4.2.1. General Works management should ensure that it has an adequate number of
workers available with sufficient expertise before operating a major hazard
installation. The design of jobs and systems of working hours should be arranged so
as not to increase the risk of accidents. For a fully operational major hazard control system, competent
authorities should ensure the availability of the following specialised manpower:
(a) government inspectors with specialist support;
(b) specialists on hazard and risk assessment;
(c) specialists on examination and testing of pressure vessels;
(d) emergency planners;
(e) experts on land-use planning;
(f) emergency services, police, fire authorities and medical services. Competent authorities should not wait for the availability of
specialised manpower in all fields before starting a major hazard control system.
They should set realistic priorities based on available manpower.
4.2.2. Government inspectorate Competent authorities should make available suitable staff, including
specialist support for inspection of major hazard installations, and provide them with
suitable training in their duties.
4.2.3. Group of Experts Competent authorities should make resources available to establish a
Group of Experts in the country, particularly when there is a shortage of technical
expertise within the existing factory inspectorate. This Group should include
experienced engineers and scientists.

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