
These International Labour Organization (ILO) guide-
lines are the first of their kind to provide assistance to ensure
safe work in shipbreaking within the framework of the ILO’s
Decent Work Agenda. In so doing they provide advice on the
transformation of a mainly informal economy activity into a
more formal organized one.
The guidelines are designed to assist shipbreakers and
competent authorities alike to implement the relevant pro-
visions of ILO standards, codes of practice and other guide-
lines on occupational safety and health and working condi-
tions, and the provisions of instruments of other relevant
international organizations, aiming at progressive improve-
ment. The practical recommendations in these guidelines are
for use by all those who are responsible for occupational
safety and health in shipbreaking operations. The guidelines
are not legally binding, nor are they intended to replace
national laws, regulations or accepted standards. They pro-
vide guidance to those engaged in the framing of relevant
provisions and the setting up of effective national systems,
procedures and enterprise regulations, where they do not
These ILO guidelines were adopted unanimously by the
Interregional Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Safety and
Health in Shipbreaking for Selected Asian Countries
and Turkey, held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 7 to 14 October
2003. The spirit of cooperation among all participants paved
the way for developing consensus on a comprehensive and
practical set of guidelines which, if widely used, will benefit all
who work in the shipbreaking industry. The Governing Body
of the ILO approved the publication of the guidelines at its
289th Session (March 2004).

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