The place of liability in respect to the freedom of expression

AuthorValentina Chiper (Mihalcea)
PositionFaculty of Law and Administrative Sciences University of Craiova - Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 3 (2013), pp. 36-45
V. Chiper (Mihalcea)*
Valentina Chiper (Mihalcea)
Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences
University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania
*Correspondence: Valentina Chiper (Mihalcea), University of Craiova,
13 Al. I. Cuza Street, Craiova, 200585, Dolj, Romania
The terms ‘freedom’ and ‘liability’ are polysemantic and bear multi-valent meanings
according to the field.
Civil or criminal liability, through the interdictions it brings, sets the border between
the legal or illegal discourse. The guilt defined by criminal and civil crimes transfers a set of
obligations to the communicator
. Terms like ‘excess’ or ‘abuse’ of the freedom of expression
is another way to define it.
We shall try hereinafter to answer the question whether it is better to regulate and
engage the civil liability or criminal liability in relation to the freedom of expression.
Keywords: freedom of expression, civil liability, criminal liability
Freedom of expression has been considered from the ancient times as a powerful
weapon and sometimes as a menace to power, whether religious or political, social or
economic. The most powerful legal vehicle in ensuring the control over works is censure,
gradually replaced by liability.
The freedom of expression, one of the oldest liberties of the citizen and known either
under this title or as the freedom of the word or press essentially include two freedoms: the
freedom of expression supposes the liberty to search for, to receive and to disseminate
information and ideas of any kind, in verbal, written, printed or artistic format and
irrespectively of the frontiers or any other means at its discretion
, without any interference of
public bodies and across any border
The terms ‘freedom’ and ‘liability’ are polysemantic and bear multi-valent meanings
according to the field – political, legal or symbolic. The concept of ‘freedom’ known two
major approached in the reference literature. The first is a natural approach according to
each every person is presumed to have innate wisdom to “rule, to be born with the equal and
imprescriptible right to live independently of his/her neighbours and to behave according to
his/her understanding of destiny”
so that the judiciary freedom is characterized by an area
* Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/CPP107/DMI1.5/S/7842 1,
Project ID 78421 (2010), co-financed by the European Social Fund – Investing in People, within the Sectorial
Operational Programme Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013, University of Craiova, Faculty of Law
and Administrative Sciences.
P. Jourdain, Les principes de la responsabilité civile, Dalloz, P aris, 2000, 5th édition, p. 48.
Art. 1 9 of the International Pact on civil and political rights, adopted by UN General Assembly on December
16, 1966.
Art. 10 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and F undamental Freedoms.
Tocquevile, État social et politique de la France avant et depuis 1799, 1838, renewed edition by Garnier-
Flammarion, 1988, p. 80.

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