IP and philanthropy: The Gates Foundation's approach

AuthorCatherine Jewell
PositionCommunications Division, WIPO
IP and Philanthropy:
the Gates Foundations
approach By Catherine Jewell,
Communications Division, WIPO
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foun dation is driven by the conviction that “every per son
deserves the cha nce to live a healthy and productive life.” Since 1994, the Founda-
tion has distributed some US$23 billi on in grants and is supporting work in over 100
countries. In its push to max imize the impact of its activities, the Foundation lives by
four core values - optimism, colla boration, rigor and innovation. “We believe in the
power of innovation to solve problems,” Bill Gates afrme d in his Dimbleby Lecture
in London (UK) in Janua ry 2013. Together with its partners, the Foundatio n has
developed over 100 innovations to help transform live s; some are already available
and others are schedule d for delivery by the end of the decade. WIPO Maga zine
sat down with Richard Wilde r, Associate Legal Counsel for the Foundati on’s Global
Health Program, who explain ed the role that intellectual propert y (IP) plays in the
Foundation’s work.
The Foundation focuses on key are as that will have the greatest social impact. “Our
Global Program targets a limited n umber of diseases and health conditions that ac-
count for a signicant sha re of illness and death in developing countries,” Mr. Wilder
Photo: © Bill & Melind a Gates Foundation / P rashant Panjia r
e Bill & Meli nda Gates Foundation is d riven
by the convict ion that “every pers on deserves
the chance to l ive a healthy and produ ctive
life.” Together with it s partners the Fou ndation
has developed ove r 100 innovations to
help transfor m lives. Intelle ctual proper ty
plays a role in enabl ing the Foundation
to achieve its g lobal access goa ls.

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