The role of religion in preventing crime in risk society specific to globalization

AuthorRamona Gabriela Paraschiv
PositionFaculty of Law, University, Bucharest - Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 3 (2013), pp. 157-160
R. G. Paraschiv
Faculty of Law,
“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence: Ramona-Gabriela Paraschiv, 30 General Magheru St., Râmnicu Vâlcea,
Vâlcea, Romania
In the current context of increasing transnational organized crime, in a risk society
favored by certain phenomena of individualism and globalization, it is necessary to
investigate what role the Church may have in preventing deeds dangerous to human values.
In this respect, the Romanian Orthodox Church, which has a well-defined place in the
new European construction, aims to substantially contribute to educating people in the spirit
of Christian morality, so that they cannot commit antisocial acts injurious to others and for
other values of humanity.
Keywords: rules of conduct, religion, crime, prevention, morality
Based on the research of statistics and facts of reality, we conclude that, once
Romania entered the European Union, globalization in general, cross-border crime numbers
increased, but also the seriousness of the offenses committed, which requires enhancing
legislative measures and organization of judicial institutions of the state and finding the most
effective action methods of preventing crime.
Along with the guarantees provided by state laws, which are intended to establish the
rule of law, spiritual warranty is felt more strongly, arising from faith, with hope that the
future of humanity will be enlightened by a new Christian humanism
The Church’s role in educating people to prevent anti-social acts in the context
of European integration
At the beginning of the third millennium, the development of social phenomena is
constantly accelerating, causing great changes in science and material progress, but also in the
sphere of philosophical concepts, morality and faith, which generates new patterns of
behavior and other scales of values in a human society dominated by individualism risks, with
all its negative consequences, but also globalization risks, which facilitates the unprecedented
development of various forms of transnational crime, with particularly high risks for human
safety, which is likely to lead to the establishment of feelings of fear, hopelessness and
mistrust in the future - all leading to human alienation.
Scientific progress, in the context of cross-border freedom of movement, allows not
only to improve quality of life physically and spiritually, but also involves the risk of using
W. Danc, Dialog Teolog ic, in the magazine “Mitropolia Olteniei”, Year LVIII no. 5-8/2006, “Editura
Mitropolia O lteniei” Publishing House, Craiova, 2006, p. 134, showing that the future will remain a period of
people who are beginning to rediscover the depth of the spiritual life and the gre atness of the universe, but must
continue pleading for an ideal and a constituti ve reference for a moral guidance, because, if that did not exist, the
world would turn to chaos of desires and a worrying manifestation of lac k of love.

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