The New Swiss Patent Litigation System

AuthorCyrill P. Rigamonti
PositionDr. iur. (Zurich), LL.M. (Georgetown), S.J.D. (Harvard), Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Economic Law, University of Bern, Switzerland.
The New Swiss Patent Litigation System
The New Swiss Patent Litigation System
by Cyrill P. Rigamonti, Bern*
Dr. iur. (Zurich), LL.M. (Georgetown), S.J.D. (Harvard), Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Economic Law,
University of Bern, Switzerland.
© 2011 Cyrill P. Rigamonti
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Recommended citation: Cyrill P. Rigamonti, The Ne w Swiss Patent Litigation System, 2 (2011) JIPITEC 3, para. 1.
Keywords: Patents; Litigation; Switzerland; Patent Court; Specialized Courts; Preliminary Injunctions; Provi-
sional Measures; Civil Procedure; Expert Opinions; Jurisdiction; Remedies; Descriptive Seizure; Saisie
Helvétique; Zurich Route
A. Introduction
1 -
 -
2 -
  -
   
  
 1
   -
    -
    
  -
 
Abstract: Switzerland is about to implement
a completely new patent litigation system, following
the establishment of a new specialized federal pat-
ent trial court and the replacement of twenty-six
cantonal codes of civil procedure with a single uni-
form federal code of civil procedure. This article pro-
vides an overview of the general structure and the
most important features of the new patent litigation
system that may be of interest to international pat-
ent litigants and litigators.

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