Legislative features in the matter of corporate tax: private educational institutions and activities of research development

AuthorDiana Cîrmaciu
PositionFaculty of Law, Law and Administrative Sciences Department University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, http://univagora.ro/jour/index.php/aijjs
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2015), pp. 34-37
Diana Cîrmaciu
Faculty of Law, Law and Administrative Sciences Department
University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
*Correspondence: Diana Cîrmaciu, University of Oradea, Faculty of Law, Gen. Magheru
Street, no. 26, Oradea, Romania
e-mail: dcirmaciu@gmail.com
There are often discussions about the „dramatic” situation of the underfinancing of education
and of research-development, about the continuous undervaluation and marginalization by
the decision makers of these essential components of social life. In this context developed step
by step in Romania the private educational system as well, preferred due to the material
resources these units have, due to the motivated teachers, the methods used to outline the
personalities of the children, etc.
Key words: corporate tax, exemptions, deductions
The national educational system must be able to assure the competitiveness and prosperity of
the country in a period, when the future is more and more dominated by economies and
societies based on knowledge.
In this context are welcome all the measures (including fiscal ones) of sustaining the
education, the research-development, regardless of their forms of organization (public or
According to article 8 from Law no. 1/2011 for the financing of national
education will be yearly allocated from the budget of the state and the budget of public local
authorities minimum 6% of the gross domestic product of the respective year. Additionally,
the educational units and institutions can obtains and autonomously use their own incomes.
For activities of scientific research it is yearly allocated from the budget of the state minimum
1% of the gross domestic product of the respective year”.
In the same time, another principle
of financing education is one, according to which the state assures the basic financing for the
foundation stage and for all the pupils attending an approved general compulsory education
unit of the state, private or confessional. Furthermore, the state assures the basic financing for
professional education or for approved high school education, belonging to the state, private
or confessional, or for the post-secondary education of the state. Financing is made based on
and within the limits of the standard costs per pupil or per pre-school child, according to a
methodology developed by the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.
The private and confessional education is organized according to the non-profit principle of
preuniversity education institutions, at all levels and forms, according to current legislation.
Law no. 1 from 5 J anuary 2011 about national education published in the Official Gazet te of Romania no. 18
from 10 January 2011 including subsequent amendments and additions.

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