Judicial Protection in the Field of Public Procurement: The Transposition into Dutch Law of Directive 2007/66/EC Amending the Remedies Directives

AuthorWouter-Jan Berends
PositionL.L.M., Graduate Student from Utrecht University Faculty of Law
Judicial Protection in the Field of Public Procurement: The
Transposition into Dutch Law of Directive 2007/66/EC
Amending the Remedies Directives
Wouter-Jan Berends
Merkourios - European Contract Law - Vol. 27/71 17
Merkourios 2010 – Volume 27/Issue 71, Article, pp. 17-25.
URN: NBN:NL:UI:10-1-100919
ISSN: 0927-460X
URL: www.merkourios.org
Publisher: Igitur, Utrecht Publishing & Archiving Services
Copyright: this work has been licensed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (3.0)
European Contract Law, EC, ECJ, Public Procurement, Remedies Directive, Dutch Implementation, Wira, European Court
of Justice.
Public procurement procedures in the EU are coordinated by Directives 2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC. The acquis com-
munautaire provides minimum requirements for review procedures against public procurement decisions in order to ensure
access to effective remedies for economic operators. These minimum requirements are established in Directives 89/665/
EEC and 92/13/EEC and recently amended by Directive 2007/66/EC. The Helby report identied several substantive
concerns over the Dutch proposal on the implementation the of the Remedies Directive; Wet implementatie rechtsbescher-
mingsrichtlijnen. Although the transposition target date has not been met, the Dutch legislature has succeeded to transpose
Directive 2007/66/EC into Dutch law while addressing the concerns of the Helby report.
Author Afliations
L.L.M., Graduate Student from Utrecht University Faculty of Law.

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