Jacques de Werra (ed.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Licensing. Edward Elgar 2013, 499 pages, ISBN 978-1-84980-440-0

AuthorLucie Guibault
PositionAssociate Professor at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam
Book Review
Book Review: Jacques de Werra (ed.), Research
Handbook on Intellectual Property Licensing
Edward Elgar 2013, 499 pages, ISBN 978-1-84980-440-0
by Lucie Guibault, Associate Professor at the Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam
© 2013 Lucie Guibault
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Recommended citation: Lucie Guib ault, Book Review – Jacques de Werr a (ed.), Research Handb ook on Intellectual Property
Licensing, 4 (2013) JIPITEC 3, 249
Licensing agreements are the motor behind the
exploitation of any piece of intellectual prop-
erty: without them only few creations and in-
ventions would ever reach the market. Indeed
initial makers are not always in a position to
produce and distribute the fruit of their own
intellectual labour; licenses are the solution to
allow third parties to do so. Apart from exploi-
tation licences, contractual arrangements play
nowadays an increasing role in setting the con-
ditions under which IP protected items can be
used, primarily by the general public accessing
material in the digital environment. Licenses
are essentially a tool in the hands of rights own-
ers to help them exercise their rights. This tool
can be used to achieve multiple (at times, con-
vation by subsequent creators to strategically
fending off competitors and everything in-be-
tween that is not contrary to public order.
2 In the laws of most jurisdictions in the world,
IP licenses are an unnamed form of contract,
most often of a hybride nature, for which no
ceptions. As a result, the formation, content and
interpretation of IP licences call for the appli-
cation of relevant norms from numerous other
   -
erty law, commercial law, consumer law etc.
Despite efforts of harmonisation at the inter-
national and regional levels, these related areas
of the law remain to a large extent nationally
  
  
appear between common law and civil law sys-
tems. A Research Handbook that highlights the
main policy concerns and doctrinal debates on
the subject of intellectual property licensing is
therefore particularly timely.
3 The book, edited by Jacques de Werra, professor
at the University of Genève, contains nineteen
chapters written by world-renowned scholars
in the area from Europe (Germany, Belgium,
Spain, Switzerland, UK) and abroad (US, China,
India and Japan). The book is divided into three
  
(I), common IP licensing policies (II) and a se-
lection of local IP licensing policies (III). Among
chapters of Part I are copyrights, software (pro-
prietary and open source), factual information
and databases, patents, trade secrets and know-
how, technology transfers and trademarks. Part
II of the book deals with various aspects of in-
tellectual property licensing law which do not
depend on the type of intellectual assets at is-
sue, including licensing issues related to pub-
lic health, a model IP commercial law, IP and
   
and arbitration. As explained in the Preface,

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