Issue Information

Published date01 June 2020
Date01 June 2020
(effective as of January 1, 2013)
Article I: Name and Address
1. The name of the organization shall be the East Asian Economic Association
(EAEA), hereafter called the Association.
2. The address of the Association shall be that of the Secretariat of the
Article II: Objective and Activities
1. The objective of the Association shall be to promote the advancement of eco-
nomic science with particular reference to Asian economic problems.
2. For this purpose, the Association shall undertake the following activities:
i. publication of the Asian Economic Journal,
ii. sponsoring symposia, conferences, seminars or other activities necessary to
attain the objective of the Association.
Article III: Membership
1. The members of the Association shall consist of the following:
a. regular members,
b. supportive members
Regular members are economists and other individuals who desire to partici-
pate in the activities of the Association and pay the regular membership dues.
Supportive members are individuals and institutions who desire to support the
activities of the Association and pay the supportive membership dues.
2. All members who have paid the membership dues are entitled to receive the
Journal and participate in the activities of the Association.
Article IV: The Council of Fellows and the Board of Directors
1. The governing body of the Association shall be the Council of Fellows. Ini-
tially the Council of Fellows shall consist of the founding members of the
Association. The Council may elect new fellows from among the members of
the Association.
2. The Council shall elect, among the fellows, the President, up to three Vice-
Presidents, and up to 16 members of the Board of Directors.
3. The Board of Directors shall decide on the location of the Secretariat and the
appointment of the Secretary General, the Editors of the Asian Economic
Journal and the amount of membership dues.
Article V: Amendments to the Constitution
1. Amendments to this Constitution may be made by the Council, upon the rec-
ommendation of the Board of Directors.
2. Any amendments to this Constitution must be approved by two thirds majority
of the votes of all fellows.

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