International institutions with authority in the matter of insolvency

AuthorBogdan Radu
PositionUniversity, Bucharest - Romania
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 4 (2013), pp. 190-195
B. Radu
Bogdan Radu
Faculty of Judicial and Administrative Sciences
“Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest, Romania
*Correspondence: Bogdan Radu, “Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, 176 Splaiul
Unirii, 4 District, Bucharest, Romania
The article aims at presenting the international context of the ongoing phenomenon of
acute imposibility of debt paying, with which the economic environment all around the world
has been dealing with for the past 5 years, more precise the international organisations that
cooperate or help with the development of insolvency laws (including crossborder insolvency
laws) or principles that should govern an insolvency law for a convergence towards a more
efficient and predictable insolvency procedure. The study isn’t concerned with the
international professional associations, nongovernmental international organisations, legal
subjects of the national law under which they came to be. Lastly there will be presented topics
of interest to be considered together with points of action.
Key words: insolvency, bankruptcy, international organisations, UN, UNCITRAL,
model law, EU, Council Regulation (EC) No 1346/2000.
Felix qui nihil debet (happy is the one who owes nothing) – Beside the fact that it
seems to be a Latin truism, in the current economical state of society, the absence of debt
remains a desideratum. It should not necessarily be the worst element in a debtor’s patrimony.
If it is controlled, it may become an impulse, a real fuel for a fruitful mechanism allowing to
cover the needs and reach the socio-economical aspirations of each person. The danger
emerges when the assets succumb to the level of debt in an uncontrolled, irresponsible and
edgy way.
“Bankruptcy comes from the word fallere, which means to cheat. In roman law,
bankruptcy embodied a procedure called venditio bonorum that manifested itself by cessating
the activity of the trader, confiscating and selling it’s goods. In the small italian cities, the
bankrupt merchants were considered felons. In 1673 the insolvency proceedings are regulated
by the Colbert Ordinance, and in 1807 they are included in the french Commercial Code”.
The domino effect produced worldwide by the financial crises has started many
insolvency and crossborder insolvency proceedings. This is not an ended phenomenon since
the affected countries are still looking for legislative solutions for equilibrating the internal
With this occasion, the mechanisms available to the creditors for recovering the claims
from other national jurisdictions in a term as short as possible, were submitted to real
challenges and the positive aspect consists of a better understanding of the weak points, their
disadvantages and the starting of the works for improving and completing them. A current
Dumitru Mazilu, International Comerce Law. General consideratio ns, 7-th edition, Lumina Lex Publishing
house, Bucharest, 2008, p. 217; For other details, Ana Birchall, Insolvency proceedings. Judicial reorganisation
and the liquidation proceeding, 3-rd edition, Universul Juridic P ublishing house, Bucharest, 2010;

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