The institution of successional reserve in the new civil code

AuthorCodrin Macovei - Mirela Carmen Dobrila
PositionFaculty of Law, Law Departament, 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania - Faculty of Law, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Law Departement
AGORA International Journal of Juridical Sciences, www.juridicalj
ISSN 1843-570X, E-ISSN 2067-7677
No. 1 (2013), pp. 89-94
C. Macovei, M. C. Dobril
Codrin Macovei
Faculty of Law, Law Departament,
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iai, Iai, Romania
*Correspondence: Codrin Macovei, Faculty of Law,
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iai, 11 Carol I Boulevard, Iai, Romania
Mirela Carmen Dobril
Faculty of Law, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iai,
Law Departement
*Correspondence: Mirela Carmen Dobril, Faculty of Law,
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iai, 11 Carol I Boulevard, Iai, Romania
The article hereby approaches the new regulations regarding the institution of
successional reserve, pointing out the differences between the previous Civil Code and the
New Civil Code, in force starting with 1 October 2011, the legal characters and the method
through which the successional reserve for each category of forced heirs is calculated.
Keywords: successional reserve, disposable portion, forced heir, New Romanian
Civil Code.
As well as in the previous Civil Code, the institution of successional reserve is defined
by the New Civil Code
as a limitation of the right to dispose of the inheritance. The NCC
brings some modifications to the institution of successional reserve, which is why it is
necessary to outline the new regulations in the field, by analyzing the differences between
them and the old regulations, as well as the methods for establishing the successional reserve
according to the new regulations, for each category of fixed portion heirs.
I. The Concept of Successional Reserve
As a new development, successional reserve is formally defined in Art. no. 1086 of
the NCC, taking over the definition already established in literature
. Thus, successional
reserve is that part of one person’s property that cannot become the object of ex gratia awards
or of disinheritance, and is reserved for certain individuals, called “fixed portion heirs”. The
La w No . 287/2009 of the Civil Code has been published in the Official Gazette of Romania No. 511/2009,
modified through Law No. 7/2011 and republished in the Official Gazette of Romania No. 505/15.07.2011.
M. Eliescu, Motenirea i devoluiunea ei în dreptul Republicii S ocialiste România, Academy of Socialist
Republic of Romania Publis hing Ho use, Buc harest, 19 66, 1966, p . 320; Fr. Deak, Tratat de drept succesoral,
“Universul Juridic” Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002, p. 302; D. Chiric, Drept civil. Su ccesiuni i testamente,
“Rosetti” P ublishing Ho use, Buchares t, 2003, p. 303; L. Stnciulescu, Curs de drept civil. Succe siuni,
“Hamangiu” Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012, p. 151.

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