Report No. 2 (2020) IACHR. Petition No. 12.915 (México)

Case Number12.915
Report Number2
Respondent StateMéxico
Case TypeFriendly Settlements
CourtInter-American Comission of Human Rights
Alleged VictimÁngel Díaz Cruz y Otros
REPORT No. 2/20
CASE 12.915
A..D..C., ET AL.
Approved electronically by the Commission on February 24, 2020.
D.. 3
24 February 2020
Original: Spanish
Cite as: IACHR, Report No. 2/20, C. 12.915. Friendly Settlement. A..D..C., et al. M..
February 24, 2020.
REPORT No. 2/20
CASE 12.915
FEBRUARY 24, 2020
1. On November 16, 2006, the Inter-American Commission on H.n Rights (hereinafter “the
Commission” or “IACHR”) receiv ed a petition from the F..B. de las Casas H.n Rights Center
(hereinafter “the petitioners”). The petition alleged the international responsibility of the M..S. for the
death of A..D..C. (age 9), as well as for the injuries sustained by R..L..H. (age 11) and
J..L..L..H.. A. th e alleged victims were mem bers of the T. indigenous people
(hereinafter “the alleged victims”), which allegedly occurred on December 17, 2000, in the municipality of San
Cristobal de las Casas, S. of Chiapas, from an explosive device belonging to the Mexican A.. The
petitioners also alleged that these acts remai n in impunity because the investigation was forwarded to th e
military courts and the perpetrators were not punished.
2. On July 12, 2013, the IACHR declared the petition admissible in Report No. 47/13 for the
alleged violation of A.les 4 (right to life) and 5 (right to humane treatment) of the Convention in
relation to A.le 1.1 of the said instrument to the detriment of A..D..C.. The Commission also found
the petition admissible with regard to A.les 5 (right to humane treatment), 8 (right to a fair trial) and 25
(right to judicial protection) of the ACHR, in connection with A.le 1.1 of the said instrument, to the detriment
of the surviving alleged victims and the relatives of all three alleged victims. In addition, it found the petition
admissible based on the alleged violation of A.le 19 (rights of the child) of the Am erican Convention, to the
detriment of A..D..C.ruz and R..L..H..
3. The parties met on S. r 3, 2015 and signed a minute expressing their interest in
reaching a friendly settlement agreement. In that document, the parties drew up a list of the alleged direct and
indirect victims of the events. They also established the basis for the negotiations and claims regarding: a) the
obligation to investigate the facts of the case; b) measures of satisfaction; c) produc tive project; d) symbolic
reparation; e) measures of rehabilitation; f) guarantees of non-repetition; and g) financial compensation.
4. On January 28, 2016, the parties signed a Friendly Settlement Agreement (FSA) and the
Commission has monitored its implementation. On S.r 24, at the working meeting facilitated by
Commissioner Esmeralda Arosemena de T. in her capacity as country rapporteur, the parties jointly
requested the Commission’s approval of the FSA.
5. T. friendly settlement report, pursuant to A.le 49 of the Convention and A.le 40(5) of
the Rules of Procedure of the Commission, outlines the facts alleged by the petitioners and transcribes the
friendly settlement agreement, which was signed on January 28, 2016, by the petitioners and representatives
of the M..S.. In addition, the a greement signed by the parties is approved and it is agreed to publish
this report in the A.ual Report of the IACHR to the General Assembly of the Organization of S.s.
6. The petitioners alleged that on S.r 17, 2000, the minor children R..L......
H. (age 11) and A..D..C. ruz (age 9) went out to look for edible mushrooms, entering the “Rancho
Nuevo” a military camp. The wire fence that marked the boundaries of the land was broken due to the constant
foot traffic of people and grazing animals.
1 C..J...H., a national of M., did not participate in the consideration of the vote on this case of
compliance with article 17 (2) (a) of the IACHR.

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